Blest Sunday

Meowllo evewypawdy hope yous all havin’ a gweat weekend. It’s too quickly comin’ to an end. It’s been stowmin’ here fur days. There wuz no stwoller time, hawdly any time fur da Pawis twip wiff Andy and da cat scouts and vewy little play time wiff mommy. Now da last one wuz meez fawlt cuz me wuz hidin’ fwum da funder boomers and lightnin’. But da west is cuz mommy won’t let us play on da puter ifin weez havin’ wedder like dat cuz herz dusn’t want it too cwash. Da stowm got bad on Furiday so me didn’t even get to post yesfurday. And as you know me joined da Bloggin’ A to Z blog hop so da letter wuz P. But dat’s okay, cuz me will just use dat letter today an talk ‘bout Purrs and Purrayers on this Blest Sunday. Cuz stowms or not we awe vewy blest.

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Lookit sis Dezi minez Meowday/Birffday beez heer in 10 dayz. Yep sissy da 29ff’ll be here afur ya’ know it.





Sis Lexi be duin’ okay considewin’ and mommy ordered sum baby food fur sissy to take hers medicine wiff. Mommy kuld do dat cuz ow facebook awnty Jennifer and grand awnty Peggy sent us a gift cawd to Walmart. And meez gotta tell ya’ me tasted sum of da baby food noms and it wuz purretty yummy. Mommy sez it’s not a well balanced meal so we have to eat ow udder food too. And fur da most pawt sissy’s been eatin’ good. She gave us a scawe Furiday night when she didn’t seem to be able to move, but me purred and mommy purrayed and she seemed all better Caturday meownin’. She seemed better than fine when she wuz scawfiin’ down dat ham baby food let me tell ya’.

This be Charles, Andy and me in da airplane headin’ to Pawis.

We did get a couple small bweaks fwum da stowm when mommy let us on da puter and we saw an email ‘bout fwum da CKD/CRF suppowt gwoup dat we joined. Seems one of da kitties wuz allowed to go outside aftew bwekky and nevew came home. We have all kinds of feelins ‘bout this cuz as you know weez not believe any kitty belongs outside; but we also know da guilt and panic hims owners must be feelin’. So weez askin’ fur all ow pawsum furiends and fwaminly to send up sum Purrs and Purrayers dat this sweet kitty make it home. We awe so vewy blest dat mommy keeps us inside and safe. And weez be dubbly blest cuz we know ifin we ask you all to purray, you do.  We awe so glad to have so many wunnewful furiends and fwamilly.

AD hang glide
And here be Andy and me hang glidin’ and havin’ fun.

Me did get a chance to go by cat scouts fur a little bit yesfurday. And check it out…Andy and me went hanglidin’. It’s taken all Caturday and sum of Synday to wight this much in tween da stowms, so meez better go afur anudder funder boomer comes cwashin’ down.   

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What wuz dat? Meez headin’ UTB. See ya’




Till da next time………………………………………..Be Blest


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses  

Dezi and Lexi



59 thoughts on “Blest Sunday

  1. Dezi, Lexi & Mom Audra.
    We hope you are all drying out. We are trying to get caught up on our blog reading.
    Mom just noticed the cute picture you posted that included Charles. Thank you so much. We will be adding that our picture book.
    Hugs to all.
    C S Charles & mom

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 😦 😦 Wee iss wurried fur sissy lexi now….
    mee gonaa put on mee Purrayer shawl an Yarmulke an do sum seereuss purrayin fur Lexi…..
    Pleeze give her our luvss ok???
    nose kissess Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me will. Mommy worries ’bout hers not gainin’ eevew and dat iit’s makin’ hers lose muscle mass. So mommy ordered sumfin’ dat shuld hopefully fix it. Fanks fur all da purrayers.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Losin musselmass iss not good Dezi….poor Lexi it iss sad shee iss sick like thiss. LadyMum sayss shee hopess thee new meddycashun werkss an helpss Lexi feel strongur an bettur!!! Mee iss still purrin an purrayin!!!
        paw kissess Siddhartha Henry xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Mee-you Dezi an Lexi an Lady A beein yur furendss iss a blessin to mee an LadyMum!! You all has britened Ladymum’ss life allott…did you know thiss??
    Iss true!
    An you all accepted mee with furendship an LUV an it warmed mee heart mee can tell youss’!
    Wee iss glad Lexi felt bettur on Katurday…maybee shee just had a ‘off’ day? LadyMum has them an shee just stayss inn with mee an restss allot.
    As fur thee kitty who went out aftur brekkie an not come back iss turriblee sad…..wee hopess hee did come home…butt wee knowss if left to our own deevicess many of our kind wandurr off when ‘our time’ comess….pawss crossed thiss iss not thee case…thee Hu’manss must bee so-o uppyset!
    Wishin you a quieter an sunnier week……
    paw kissess Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaaaw Fanks. Y’all have bwightened ow life too. Weez tweasure y’all’s furiendship too. And yes sissy purrawlly did have a bad day. She slept a lot and had sum gwass and fwu up a bit and then ate. Seems we may be in fur a lot of these kinds of days. And yes, weez faid dat’s zactly what happened. We can’t magine why anypawdy lets their kitties outside these days, but fur sure not one dat is so sick. Just days earlier they thought hims died afur their eyes. Weez so mixed on this. We feel fur da hoomans not koowin’ and all, but we awe alsoo like…yous kulda purrvented this by not lettin’ hims go outside in da furst place. They wuz complainin’ ’bout havin wolves and skunks and such, and all we kuld fink wuz hims shulda nevew been outside to begin wiff. And fur sure unsupervised. Oh well, sum peeps awe just…

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mee agreess with you Dezi bout thee kitteh who went out aftur brekkie….why are sum Hu’manss so stew-pid??? Iss turriblee sad 😦
        Iss pawfull…
        There are raccoonss, skunkss an coyotess here so mee will nevurr bee let out to wandurr….LadyMum sayss shee could not live with herself if sumfing happened to mee.
        How iss Lexi doin today?? (It iss now Furiday). Wee hopess shee iss havin a good day!
        Gentull nose kissess Siddhartha Henry xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yep weez just not unnewstand sum peeps. Sissy didn’t have a vewy good day on Furiday, but she seemed better yesfuday, Caturday, She’s been well moody and picky today too. But mommy wuz so ‘cited she didn’t sleep last night so dat’s why sisssy might be a little off today.

          Luv ya’

          Dezi and Lexi

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Mee-you Dezi how iss Lexi doin?? It iss now another Katurday an mee just furinallee got here to see how both of youss are doin!!!
            Mee had a busy week an LadyMum was hardlee on thee lappytop….
            Wee hope all iss well there an pleeze give mee reegardss to Lady Audra yur Mumma..
            ~~head rubss~~ Siddhartha Henry ~~

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Hope all of your storms are gone. The trip to Paris was wonderful. Andy enjoyed it so much and of course it was because you were there with him. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi you gorgeous gals! We was just checkin in to see iffen you were ok after the storms. We hear there might be more this week up this way. Pffffft!
    Our Angel Prancer Pie would always eat up ham baby food if nothing else appealed to him, too. It must be very yummy. We kits have never had it.
    We are always purring for and thinking of you, even if we don’t always get around. (our Mommy is her Mommy’s provider and stays pretty busy)
    Hope you are having a great Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fanks, weez okay. Hope y’all made it fwu too. Weez sure there’ll be mowe afur summer gets here, but we don’t haft like it. MOL Wish we lived closer, mommy needs a purrvider too. Have a gweat week.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


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