Blest Sunday Pounce

Our favowit posty of da week, it’s Blest Sunday. Da day when we talk ‘bout our blessins and fank you all fur bein’ a pawrt of our lives. And we wanna fank awnty Carolyn and unkle Mike fur donatin’ to sis Lexi’s care fundraiser. Da link be on our sidebar ifin yous wuld like to donate. She had a little tummy upset this meownin’ and fwu up hers bwekky, but mommy quickly fixed her up a butter spoon wiff sum slippery elm bawrk and settled it wight down. She’s eatin’ well and playin’ and da UTI seems to be gone so we awe extwemely blest.


And we have been so blest to have worked wiff PetSafe this mumff to offer you all sum pawsum give aways. Furst there was da Pagoda Fountain and then da FroliCat Flik. What kuld be better yous ask? How ‘bout we run da mumff out wiff one more PetSafe give away? Sound good to you? We just luv their purroducts and toys and kuldn’t be more happy to purrsent you wiff da FroliCat Pounce. Similar to da FLik, da pounce has a bwight yellow mousey dat goes wound and wound, furward and backwards and pauses and hides unner little tunnels. It’s unpurrdictable and will keep you and yous kitty guessin’ what it’s next move is. Da Pounce has 4 speed settings and automatically turns off after 10 minutes. It wequires 3 AA btteries dat not be included. But hey, almost everypawdy has those hangin’ wound wight?. Mommy sez she finks da world wevolves wound AA batteries. Least most of da fings in our house do. MOL You know you want it, wight?


You shuld check out all da pawsum purroducts PetSafe carries. They carry fings even we didn’t know ‘bout. And as we sed afur, we luv da PetSafe company and have quite a few of their purroducts in our house, even afur this wunnewful oppurtunity happened. They also carry lots of goodies fur doggies. And meez here to tell ya’ they be well made and hold up weally good. Me can sure put a toy to da test, and our Flik and Pounce awe still workin’ purrfectly. So how do yous enter to win yous own FroliCat Pounce yous ask?


It’s weal easy. Da give away be open to all U.S. residents.

1.) Just leave us a comment and 2.) share this posty on twitter, facebook, or whatever udder social media you might belong too. Purrlease include da link of yous share in yous comment. Ifin yous not be on any social media sites purrlease let us know. Weez not want anypawdy left out cuz of a rule. But, ifin yous awe in social media, it’s only fair to share. (me made a rhyme. Smile) Da give away ends on Furiday 7/31/15 at 11:59 p.m. CST. So come on,, enter fur yous chance to win.


And till da next time……………..Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


Dezi and Lexi


Disclaimer: We weceived da PetSafe FroliCat Pounce in exchange fur our honest weview. PetSafe is not wespawnsible fur da opinions expurressed here and meez opinions can’t be bought. As always we only bwing you purroducts we use or have twied and fink wuld be of innewest to you.


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