The Holiday’s Are Coming

Da weekend is finally here and Thanksgiving’s just round da corner. You know what else is comin’ up? Meez 6th Gotchaday, dat’s what. Yep dat’s right. Mommy rescued me and saved meez life 6 years ago. Yep, meez littermates and me was rescued and taken to a big ole cold room with lots of cages and loud noises. And then…da sweetest smell me had ever smelled wafted thru da air. Meez littermates and me was all gathered up in a basket and dumped out onto da cold hard floor. Me kuld see a bright light in da direction of da sweet smell so me had to go and check it out. Meez littermates was all huddled together and wouldn’t hardly move. But not me. Me waddled over and climbed da hills what was mommys legs and turned on meez purr motor. She wasn’t leavin’ there without me no matter what kind of charm this little girly had to do.


#Dezi the #servicecat sits in box with mouth in chirp position
No way mommy could say no to me.

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. Her eyes filled with salty water and she spoke da most beautiful words me had ever heard, “You’re my Destiny.” Me didn’t know zactly what dat meant, but da smile on her face and warm comfurt in her voice sed it was a good thing. Me purred even louder when she spoke. And then she picked me up and sed, “Wanna come home with me little one?” Me purred so hard meez whole body shook. Of course me wanted to go home with her. Why did she think me was doin’ all of this ifin not to make her fall fur me? It worked and she told da lady she wuld take me home to live with her and Lexi. Me didn’t know how blest me was gunna be. But me has a pawsum home with a wonderful sissy and a mommy who wuld do anything fur me.

#Lexi the #servicecat sits in a box looking at sister #Dezi trying to get in with her

We recently won a book ‘bout Simon’s Cat from Cat Chat Cody and his mommy; dat mommy has been readn’ to us. What fun. None of us were furmiliar with this Simon or his cat, so weez really enjoyin’ da antics and drawings in this pawsum book. We don’t really do book reivews, but we will say dat ifin you need a Christmas purresent fur da cat luvver who has everything, Simon’s Cat: Off to the vet wuld make a gweat guft. 


So with Thanksgiving right around da corner we wanna remind you ‘bout a few safety tips to help make da holiday fun fur you and da furry members of your household. Remember we don’t all purreciate parties, company or even wild decorations. And sum of us don’t know to stay away from da flames on candles. And those cute and sumtimes really purretty oil burners? Well MOST essential oils are poisonous to your fur kids; and your human ones too ifin ingested. Dat dusn’t mean you can’t use these things just dat they need to be supervised and/or out of reach of all da wee peeps and 4 leggeds in da house. And dat fancy feast yous cookin’ up fur da festivities might smell delicious and have us scopin’ out da kitchen, but most of it is toxic to us furries.

#Lexi the #Servicecat sits in box

By now most peeps know chocolate shuld not be on da menu fur your cat, dog or other furry, and alcohol is an absolute no no. Onions, garlic and chives can cause liver and kidney purroblems specially fur kitties. See it’s not da turkey we can’t have, it’s all da stuff you put on it to titillate your taste buds dat makes it toxic fur us.


Mommy sez a good rule of thumb is: Ifin your cat kuldn’t ketch it in da wild, it purrobly shuldn’t go on da plate.


So, plain ole turkey tom lurkey? Give me sum!!! But roasted and stuffed and slathered in garlic butter turkey tom? Nope, can’t have it. Fur a list of human foods dat shuldn’t be served to us fur kids you can check out da ASPCA here.

#Dezi the #servicecat lays in a box

But food and smellies awen’t da only hazards at this time of year. Those purretty poinsettias on da table or window sill awe purrlenty poison as well. Mommy sez ifin it has or grows from a bulb, it shuld be considered poisonous. But there awe so many plants and flowers dat be poisonous we kuldn’t begin to cover them all in this post. So when in doubt, check it out here. Ifin you think your fur kid has gotten into sumfin they shuldn’t have or has been poisoned you can call da ASPCA animal poison control center at: 888-426-4435. They do require a credit card so they can charge $65.00. There is also da Pet Poison Helpline at: 855-764-7661. They charge $49.00. Both awe available 24/7/365. But ifin you think your anipal has been poisoned, don’t wait. See your VET ASAP. Sum poisons can be reversed ifin caught in time.


Hope weez helped ya’ a bit. Wiff just a few purrcautions everypawdy can enjoy da holidays togevver. We’ll be covering a few more tips next week so stay tuned. As we do every week, weez joinin’ Rascal and Rocco fur da Pet Parade.


Till da next time…………………………………….Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi     

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