Blest Sunday: Chatty Cats Plan A Party

Welcome to a very special Blest Sunday. What makes it special, you ask?


 Dezi watches Raena atop the Liberty cat tree


          Yeah sissy, what makes this Blest Sunday so special? 


Me’s so glad you asked. It’s special cuz you’re here. All our furiends are here, and that makes everythin’ purrfect.


 Dezi looks at Raena at the top of the Liberty cat tree


          I’s thought you meant me, sissy?.


 Dezi looks up at Raena while Raena looks off in the distance from atop the Liberty cat tree


Me does Raena. You’re special too. As most peeps know by now, we only post on Monday, Wednesday, Furiday and of course, on Blest Sunday. And this year, your furst year here with mommy and me, your Gotchaday is on a Fursday. We wanna throw you a pawsum Gotchaday pawrty, Raena; but we don’t normally post on Fursdays. And, this week in purrticular is gonna be a busy one fur mommy. So, since we celebrate Birthday’s and Gotchaday’s all month long, we’ve decided to have your pawrty on Furiday the 9th. And, guess what? 


          What sissy? What’s better than a pawrty weekend?


 Dezi looks up at Raena atop the Liberty cat tree


Everypawdy’s invited!!! All our furiends and awnties and uncles, and yes, Simon. 


          Oh sissy, that’s pawsum!!! I’s can’t hardly wait. But sissy, why’s mommy gonna be so busy this week? Is she gonna have time to purrpare fur mine’s pawrty?


 Dezi sniffs tree ledge while Raena watches her


Well Raena, mommy has her regular monthly doctor’s ‘pointment on Monday, and then a dentist ‘pointment on Fursday. And, it’s time fur us to recertify our lease, so mommy has to get all our papers and stuffs in order so she can turn ‘em in on time. Ya’ know, so we can have a place to live fur another year.


          Is that why mommy’s been so stressed lately?  And who’s gonna go with mommy to her ‘pointments? 


 Dezi and Raena look at the ceiling from the Liberty cat tree


Yes, Raena, lease re-cert always makes mommy stressed. She says they keep wantin’ to invade our purrivacy more and more each year. Mommy says it sometimes makes her feel like a trained seal; jump thru this hoop, and now this one. And, don’t furget to smile and be grateful the whole time; cuz don’ch’a know at the end, you’ll have this meowvelous 400 sq. ft. ‘partment where we’re gonna bug ya’ to death with inspections. As fur those ‘pointments, it’s s’posed to storm all week, so you’ll be the one accompanyin’ mommy. Besides, since mommy’s dental ‘pointment is on your Gotchaday, mommy said ya’ll would be goin’ somewhere special so you can get a supurr special treat. Mommy purromissed to bring somethin’ special home fur me too. 


          Really sissy? I’s gonna get a supurr special treat? (Raena gets excited and starts spinning around) Now I’s really can’t wait!!! 


 Dezi looks up at Raena and hisses on the liberty cat tree


Well Raena, you’re gonna have to wait a few more days. By the way, one of our newer furiends said they didn’t know what a Gotchaday was. We ‘member bein’ new to the innernets once and not knowin’ ‘bout Gotchadays too, so we thought we should ‘splain. A Gotchaday is the day a rescued furry goes to live in their furever home. It can also be called an Adoptaversary, Adoption Day or in some cases, it’s the day your humans have decided to make your Birthday. Offen, peeps don’t know the actual birthday of their beluvved furry, so they will just assign a day to celebrate.


          And that’s okay too sissy. Whatever day you celebrate your furry, is the purrfect day.


 Dezi looks our window and Raena lays atop the Liberty cat tree


Sure ‘nuff Raena. One of the reasons we celebrate all month long is that mommy rarely has money on our special day; so she figgers ifin we celebrate all month, surely at some point in that month she’ll have enuff green papers to buy us a little somethin’ special. Even ifin it’s just a bag of cheap treats or a dollar mousey from the dollar store. So, every day is a special day in our house. 


          I’s like that sissy. It also means, lots of extra cuddles and luvvin’ all month long. I’s did hear mommy sayin’ that we were gonna be goin’ to her favorite beauty store, Ulta, this week.


Ulta gift card
Photo courtesy of



Me heard that too, Raena. Fanks to awnty Ellen who sent mommy a gift card, she can actually buy somethin’ this trip.


Snowball in ball gown
Snowball dressed to the nines fur the big Gone with the Wind pawrty we had in 2015.


          Yep sissy, mommy must’ve cried a million tears when she got that gift card. Knowin’ that awnty Ellen had been dealin’ with Snowball’s illness and then sudden loss, and yet, she was still thinkin’ ‘bout mommy’s special day. 


Ya’ know Raena, we luv all our furiends so very much, and purray fur them every day. It broke our hearts when Snowball went to heaven, just like with all our furiends who have joined me’s sis Lexi. We just don’t unnerstand why these things have to happen.


 Raena lays on nip mat


          I’s fur sure don’t unnerstand it sissy. But maybe it’s cuz God knows there’s another furry out there who needs you more. So, He has to make an openin’ and takes the one who is sufferin’ the most to be with Him. We all know, that once ya’ leave this world, you return to your once purrfect state. There’s no more pain, sickness, or old age. I’s know you and mommy really miss Lexi (God rest her), but ifin she hadn’t gone to heaven, who knows where I’s might have been?. 


 Raena with the cheese and mac noodles from MAnonymous


Yep, Raena, that’s so true. Anyways, as much as mommy and me miss Lexi, we luv you very much and are really glad you’re pawrt of our furmily now. We should also say a meowsy big fank you to awnty Anonymous fur givin’ mommy some green papers fur her birthday, and sendin’ her some more of that powdered cheese and mac noodles. She even told mommy more of that shelf milk to make it up with was on it’s way.


          Oh sissy, we are so blest to have so much.


That’s true, Raena. We are blest indeed. We give fanks fur all of our furiends, and ask God to bless ya’ll beyond your dreams. We also wanna remind you to take a minute today and every day to give thanks fur the blessings in your lives. 


          Let’s link up with the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies and see ifin we can get mommy to give us some of those treats.


 Dezi, watches RAena walk off the Liberty cat tree


Me’s with ya’ Raena. Me does wanna tell everypawdy that cuz of all the lease stuffs and mommy’s ‘pointments this week, we’re gonna be takin’ most of this week off. We will of course be back to celebrate Raena’s Gotchaday on Furiday, and we hope all of you will join us.


Till the next time………………………………………..Be Blest!!! 


Dezi: Vibrant Blue 

Raena: Navy Blue




Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


Deztinee and RaenaBelle

27 thoughts on “Blest Sunday: Chatty Cats Plan A Party

  1. Meow there sweet Dezi and Raena! Hope you are doin well, you both and Mommy!
    We lookz furward to Raena’s pawty! Yay! 😻😍❤️️❤️️❤️️ I’m sure iz goin to be purrfectly luvly!

    Mum and me sendz lots of hugs and luv to ur luvly Mommy! We hopez and purrayz fur all da pointmentz to go well and da recertifying of ur lease wont be worse than da year befur and go over well. We will thinkz of her and u both lots.

    Me thinkz it could reely be like u sweeties said… wif God makin an openin fur a furry in need and takin da one who sufferz da most to be with Him. Wez been so so sad too az Snowball went to be wif God. Wez so sad fur sweet awnty Ellen. It hurtz reely bad, cuz we just miss our beloved furkids so much. But now Snowball iz healthy and happy and safe with God and all da other sweet furends who went befur Snowball. And wez see all of them again when our time comez, and then it be furever. No more pain and no more good byes.

    Paw hugz & nose kissez fur u all!
    Mum and me luv ya😘😽💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fank you Murli and awnty Natascha. Raena’s Gotchaday is gonna be pawsum. And, yes, we’re sad dat sometimes a belivved furry must leave us. But, ifin sis Lexi hadn’t gone to heaven, we wouldn’t be celebratin’ sis Raena’s 1st Gotchaday. And we are blest to have her. And we know sis Lexi is in a far better place waitin’ on da day we join her. Big hugs

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Raena

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It sounds like you all sure have a busy week ahead. Your Gotcha Day sure is a light at the end of the tunnel, though, Raena. You and your mommy and Dezi are all so blessed indeed to have each other! We send you our purrs and prayers!

    Liked by 1 person

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