Blest Sunday: We’ve Missed You & We’re Back

Hey Raena, come on, it’s time fur our Blest Sunday posty.


 Blest Sunday purple kitty clip art graphic


          Are you sure sissy? You know, mommy’s been confused ‘bout what day it is fur the last few days now. Kind’a like we get on the silvervine we had the other day.



 Dezi with silvervine on cat tree


Yeah, me knows, Raena. But, mommy checked all the things she normally does when she passes out and it’s fur sure Blest Sunday. Now, hurry, we don’t wanna miss church. 


 Raena with silvervine on cat tree


          I’s comin’ sissy. Ya’ know, I’s really missed all our catputer time and visitin’ with our furiends these last couple of weeks, but, I’s gotta tell ya’ spendin’ extra time with mommy has been great. 


 Dezi with silvervine on the cat tree


Me knows what ya’ mean Raena. Ya’ know, one might think that since mommy’s home all the time, we get lots of time to ourselves to play with her. But that just ain’t true. There’s the catputer time of writin’ and researchin’ fur our postys, helpin’ us visit our furiends, doin’ the regular every day cleanin’ that one has to do to keep from livin’ in a pig sty. Not that there’s anythin’ wrong with livin’ in a pig sty…ifin you’re a pig; but ya’ know, us kitties like things a bit more tidy. And there’s the business stuffs that seems never endin’, and of course there’s the passin’ out time, that mommy spends unconscious every day. So, it really isn’t play time all day, every day. 


 Raena with silvervine on cat tree


          So true, sissy. But, all in all, we are very blest to have the lives we have. Even with all those things happenin’, mommy still makes time to spend with us and with each of us by ourselves each day. Still, it has been fun these last couple of weeks.


 Dezi with silvervine on the cat tree


Yep, sure ‘nuff. But, mommy has purromissed that startin’ this week, we’re gonna get back to business as usual. We wanna fank all our amazin’ furiends fur their luv, suppurrt and patience while mommy’s been goin’ thru all this dental stuffs. It was a little more traumatic than mommy had originally anticipated, and she’s not 100% yet. But, she is doin’ well and getting’ better every day. She’s back on the smashed tater diet, with some added cheese fur much needed protein to stay strong. Mommy even said she doesn’t mind the taters so much, she just can’t wait fur the day when she can actually bite and chew somethin’ again. And she’s even purromissed fotos, once she’s healed and all the swellin’ has gone down.


 Raena with silvervine on cat tree


          Now that’s somethin’, sissy. We all know how rare fotos of mommy are. She luvs pointin’ the flashy box at us, but herself? That’s another matter all together. MOL  I’s gonna be happy to get back to visitin’ all our furiends tho’. I’s sure hope we haven’t missed too much. We are blest to have the bestest furiends ever. We better wrap this up, church is ‘bout to start.


 Raena with silvervine on cat tree


You’re right Raena. Furst, we wanna remind everypawdy to take a minute today and every day to give thanks fur the blessings in your lives. Ya’ know when ya’ start your day with a smile and a fanks, the whole day goes a little bit better. And, even tho’ we don’t really do selfies, we’re joinin’ the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies. We hope you enjoyed our day with the silvervine, we sure did. MOL  Me’s gotta go now. We’ll see you all soon.


Till the next time……………………………………Be Blest!!!


Dezi: Vibrant Blue 

Raena: Navy Blue 




Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


Deztinee and RaenaBelle

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