Feline Friday: Make A Change For One Pet

MeOW-llo Everypawdy, it’s furinally Furiday. WooHooooooo  Me has no idea why that’s so x’citin’, but it is. Don’t furget, our Service Cat Furidays will return in February; and we’ll be pickin’ up where we left off meowin’ ‘bout Feline Nutrition. So, ifin ya’ have any questions, purrlease let us know. Your questions don’t have to be limited to nutrition. We will continue the series throughout the year.  


Dezi lays on chair arm - selfie




          I’s can’t wait sissy. I’s do luvs our Service Cat postys.    


Yep, me too Raena. Hey, did you know yesfurday was National Change a Pet’s Life Day? We don’t post on Fursdays, but me thought we could post ‘bout it today. Our lives were fur sure changed when mommy adopted us. Me knows sis Lexi used to meow the same thing. Me reckons ifin not fur mommy, lots of kitties wouldn’t have made it.


Dezi lays on chair arm and Raena on chair back




          Really sissy? I’s knew she saved us, but I’s didn’t know she saved others.  


Yeah Raena, mommy used to foster kitties who had lost their furry mommies. Y, Sis Lexi was one of those kitties. Me was kind’a one of those kitties. Even tho’ me was a few weeks old when me met mommy, me wouldn’t have lived ifin she hadn’t saved me and brought me home to live with her and sis Lexi. Those early days sure were scary. But with mommy’s luv and care, me thrived and grew into the big bootyful kitty girly you see today. 


          Me too sissy. Mommy’s always sayin’ she’d luvs to be able to save all the kitties who be homeless and scared.  


Raena lays atop the cat tree looking over-raspberry




Oh Kittens!!! Ifin mommy had her way Raena, me would have lots of fursibs. But, that takes a lot of time and money which we don’t have. The truth of the matter is that no one purrson can save all the animals in need. But, everypawdy can do somethin’ and make a difference in at least one pet’s life. Adoptin’ is just one of the many ways one can help make that change.   


          So true sissy. Peeps who wanna make a change in a pet’s life can volunteer and become fosters, dog walkers, cage cleaners, social media boosters, socialization aides, transport drivers, photographers (you don’t have to be a pro), and so much more.  


They can also donate stuffs that shelters and rescues always need like green papers, cleanin’ supplies, food, litter, towels, toys, medical care and tons more. To find out what the shelters and rescues in you area are in need of, just give ‘em a call or check out their website.  


Dezi looks at camera while sitting on cat scratcher




          Don’t furget ‘bout the ferals and strays sissy. They need help too. Offen times colonies are looked after by just one purrson tryin’ to purrvide fur them out of their own pawckets.  


You’re right Raena. So, while no one purrson can change the lives of every pet on the planet, it only takes one purrson to change the life of one pet. Fur that animal, it might mean the difference t’ween life and death. It did fur me, fur sis Lexi, fur her brofur Lucky, and even fur you RaenaBelle.  


Raena hunches on the liberty cat tree




          Sure ‘nuff sissy. I’s think I’s wanna go give mommy some extra fanky fank you cuddles. I’s gonna link us up with Comedy Plus fur Feline Furiday and then give mommy some luvvins.   


Dezi sits pretty on the chair arm




You do that Raena. Me’s just gonna finish off me’s brekky furst. Are you gonna finish what’s in your plate?    


Till the next time…………………………………………………………..Be Blest!!!  


Dezi: Vibrant Blue  

Raena: Navy Blue 




Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 


Deztinee and RaenaBelle

12 thoughts on “Feline Friday: Make A Change For One Pet

  1. Bravo! What a great post, Dezi and Raena. It’s true, shelters and rescues can use all sorts of help. Volunteers of all kinds, doing a wide range of things, are always needed!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t know that Lexi’s and her fursibs lost their furry momma when they were kittens. That would be so-o scary and I don’t scare easily. My mom is like momma Audra, she too wishes she could rescue all the kitties in the world. But you’re right, if each human could do their part then pussycats would be much better off. Hugs and luvs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes Valentine, sis Lexi’s furry mommy was actually being killed by a dog while she was bein’ born. Mommy saved her and her fursibs when they were 10 minutes old. Sis Lexi never knew any mommy but mommy. And, they were never apart fur more than a few hours till the day sis Lexi went to heaven. She is so missed. Big hugs

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Raena


    1. We think most good kitty peeps have that same regret. That’s pawsum that you donate and that there is even a pet food pantry in the furst place. We all do what we can awnty Kat, don’t live in regret, just luv those you have. Big hugs

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Raena

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful post. We all need to help and I’ve been helping for years. It’s a good thing.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, you two. My best to your mom. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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