Blest Sunday: Coffee Blessings and Respect

Hey dearest furiends, welcome to a brand new Blest Sunday. Can I’s just start by meowing how much I’s luvs all of you? Cuz I’s do. I’s know mommy does too. Ya’ll are the bestest furiends in the universe, and we’re so Blest to know each of you.

Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template

          That we are baby.

Yeah mommy, we are so Blest every day. We still don’t have any news to share on the kitten search front, but, we know it’s just a matter of time. In the meantime tho’, the frustration of the hunt does make mommy a little sad. Of course, I’s do mine’s bestest to cheer her up with lots of extra lap luvvin’, hugs, and massages, but sometimes, even that’s not enough. So, when we got a couple of pawsum boxes from awnty Cindy this week, it was just what we needed. Thanky thank you fur the booster of happy, and the coffee. You know mommy luvs her coffee. I’s’ll let ya’ in on a little secret, bug mommy befur that furst cup of joe at your own risk. MOL

Raena checks out gifts from Cynthia

          RaenaBelle Mayce!!! I can’t believe you said that. When have I ever put my coffee before you?

Never mommy…but I’s have fur. I’s meant that humans beware of the non caffeinated bear that you can be in the mornings. Ifin ya’ don’t have furs, then you really do have “office hours”. (mommy A shakes her head and snickers, realizing Raena’s right) Anyways, we’re still planning mine’s birthday pawrty and want all of you to come. So, remember to get your photos to us at We’re gonna have a blast!!!

Raena lays on heated mat

          We certainly are sweety. We’re gonna celebrate like never before. I thought we’d even take a few strolls now that it’s warmed up some.

Raena's fun in the sun birthday party announcement

Strolls? Oh mommy, you know I’s luvs a good stroll. I’s can’t wait. Hey, did you know that today is respect your cat day? I’s not exactly sure what that means, but I’s sure mommy respects me…right?

Raena sits pretty on cat tree

On that note, I’s gonna link up with the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies. As we do each week, we’d like to remind you to take a minute today and every day to Give Thanks fur the Blessings in your lives. Thanky thank you fur being Blessings in ours.

Raena sits pretty on the cat tree

P.S.: WordPress has messed with our admin page and the way we write and edit our posts and media. For that reason, we’re, I, am having a bit of difficulty with the “new” system. Cats aren’t the only ones who don’t like change. lol Please bear with me as I try to figure this all out.

Till the next time…………………………………………………………Be Blest!!!

Luvs and Hugs and KittyBelle Kisses

RaenaBelle with mommy A

10 thoughts on “Blest Sunday: Coffee Blessings and Respect

  1. My dad is like your momma in that he needs his coffee every morning. Mom likes the smell of coffee, but she doesn’t drink the stuffs, ’cause it upsets her tummy big time. Tee hee hee.

    Tell your momma not to worry. She’ll find you a new sisfur or brofur when the time is right. You never know, one may stroll up to your front door (like my sisfur, Esmay did last year) when you’re not thinking about it. Luvs and purrs.


  2. How exciting to get that happy package, Raena Belle and Mommy A. 🙂

    Raene Belle, your party sounds like it is going to be super fun!


  3. We know about that coffee thing here too! LOL!

    How sweet to get a ‘care’ package!

    We will try to get some pics ready for you, Raena! But you know, its hard to get all summery when winter is still trying to give a last hurrah or two….we had snowfall today, at least it didn’t stick:)


  4. You’re lookin’ good there, Raena Belle. Mom never developed a taste for coffee but loves the smell. Her weakness is tea….Assam teas.

    We are getting our pictures together so we can be at your party, Raena.

    Shoko and Tyebe


  5. That was a nice box of goodies. I am just like your mommy with coffee. I haven’t noticed any wordpress changes- can you add the classic editor plug-in, that helped me when changes were made before. XO


  6. We are having a beautiful Palm Sunday, Today is my dad’s Birthday and he is getting takeout seafood for his birthday dinner (Shrimp, Scallops, and red Snapper) so that my siblings and I can all have some too! We love you to and hope that you find the perfect kitty companion soon!

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