Meet the Service Cats

Luv ya' Dezi

Luv ya’, Dezi


My name is Deztinee Izabella (Dezi). I was born November 1, 2009. I started this blog in 2014 under the name, DezizWorld. After all, it was my world and everyone else was just living in it. But, nothing lasts forever as they say, and I went to heaven in December of 2020. I left behind RaenaBelle to take care of mommy A and the blog. DezizWorld will live on, but become more under it’s new name, Service Cats U.S..


I am RaenaBelle Maycee (RaenaBelle is one word with two capital letters). I’m a Service cat for mommy A.  I am a Ragdoll Cat rescued from disreputable breeders and like my predecessors, adopted by mommy A.  Dezi was ’bout 3 – 4 weeks old. I, RaenaBelle was ’bout 6 weeks old. Laramie Alexandra (Lexi), Dezi’s mentor and sisfur for almost 7 years till she passed away at almost 17 years old on March 9, 2016. Lexi was an Egyptian Mau black tabby that was rescued by mommy when she was about 10 minutes old. Mommy A, with the assistance of the resident Service Cat trained us for our duties. I will help mommy train my new helper Zebadee Rayden (Zebby). We love making new friends and hope you enjoy the blog. 🙂  We are also on Twitter, InstagramFlickr, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, and Facebook. We are raw fed (species appropriate diet) kitties. Mommy A has held many jobs/titles in her many years, among them is animal trainer. Cats are her love and her specialty.


Lexi:Always and Furever
Raena plays with the Cat Dancer
RaenaBelle Maycee

Zebby's lap selfieZebadee Rayden



Mommy A was in an automobile accident in 1994 that left her disabled. She is also a cancer survivor. She graduated college with a few degrees, but is unable to work due to her disabilities. We live on a fixed income, but are wealthy beyond compare in love. We consider ourselves extremely Blest to have each other, all of you, and each new day.

We have a wish list on with lots of things we use and need and lots of things we would like to have.  We try to put a variety of things with a variety of prices to fit everybody’s pocket book/budget that might like to get us something. And mommy loves her caffeinated coffee, mild or medium roast and coca cola. Her favorite treat is peppermint saltwater taffy.  Purrlease don’t feel like you must get us anything.  We love you all whether you buy us anything or not. 🙂  We also have a Pay Pal account here for our medical bills and general care, if you would like to donate. All monies received are used for our care unless otherwise designated by donor or raised for a specific purpose. We currently need a reliable vehicle with air conditioning. Our Pay Pal address is: — lexi(dot)dezi(at)yahoo(dot)com



We would love to review your products. Please use the contact form on our contact us page or the email address above.  And altho’ we speak cat if you would prefer your review be done in human speak or by mommy A, that can be arranged. We are very good natured and sweet kitties. We do not review/feature any item we have not tried or do not use and will only post truthful reviews.


Thank you all for visiting,  following and commenting. We really appreciate you and love you all. If you visit more than once, consider yourself family, we do. 🙂



Disclaimer and Copyright: All posts unless otherwise noted are true and factual and represent days in our lives. This blog is not meant to be a detailed or step by step instruction manual of how to train your own kitties to be Service Cats. If you have any questions or would like further information on training, please meow at us thru our contact page. All original writings, stories, poetry, photos and material presented in this blog are the property of the blog owner and may not be used or copied without express written permission from the blog owner,  Audra High acting as Deztinee Izabella High (Dezi), Laramie Alexandra High (Lexi),  RaenaBelle Maycee High (Raena), and Zebadee Rayden High (Zebby); and are protected by copyright. All products reviewed are done so at the sole discretion of Audra, and are products that we think would be of interest to our readers or ourselves.




Copyright © 2014 – 2023 {Audra High} All Rights Reserved




Terms of Use:

All content of this site is the property of Audra High and may not be used without prior written permission.

19 thoughts on “Meet the Service Cats

  1. I wuv you Dezi…I will pray for you too, I fly to heaven when I dream all the time.. I would like to learn to be a service cat too someday… 🙂 Love Angel Atticus


    1. Meweek Shoko, fanks. It’s goodtu see yous and meez so glad yous like meez lifes stowwys. 🙂 Meez havin’ a little twubble findin’ fings at Cat Scouts tuday, but meez so lookin’ fuwawd tu ow Phillippines twip. 🙂 see yous der.

      Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥



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