Catching Up: We’re Back

RB:  Hey friends, how are ya’? Y, It’s been forever since we posted anything. I’ve gotta catch you up on the goings on around here. First, I’ve gotta find Zebby. Let me tell ya’, that boy has been a real pain in my flooffy behind.


Raena lays on chair arm




Z:  Hey RaenaBelle, you take that back!



RB:  (Raena rolls her eyes) Anyways, we need to tell everybody what we’ve been up to while we were away.



Zebby lays on cat ball


Z:  Oh goody, I’ve got sooooooo much to share. I had a birthday and a gotcha day that nobody celebrated. I mean absolutely NOBODY! Can you believe that? Am I chopped liver or something?



RB:  Well Zebby, I had a birthday nobody celebrated either. Altho’, we did get those great made with love fishies from aunty Ellen. We love her toys.


Raena plays with made with love fishy from Ellen


Z:  Do we ever. My fishy is great!


Zebby plays with made with love fish from Ellen



RB:  Anyways, we might not have celebrated our special days with a party and gifts, but we did get lots of extra hugs and kisses from mommy. We gave her extra for mother’s day. She just had a birthday too. You guessed it, we gave her lots of extra loving. We couldn’t even begin to tell ya’ how old she is, but she’s gotta be getting pretty old. Everything cracks and squeaks when she moves. I’ve heard that happens when ya’ get really old.



Z:  Yeah, and her hair keeps getting grayer and grayer. And, it’s not all my fault, contrary to what she says.



Zebby lays atop the cat tree


RB:  Sure Zebby, whatever you say. On another note, we still haven’t gotten everything moved to our new to us Mac computer. It turns out it’s harder than expected. That’s probably because mommy doesn’t have a clue about what she’s doing, but at least she’s trying. Her health has been a real downer too. There’s been lots of days when she could barely function, so that makes everything come to a screeching halt. We still need a car. Finding rides is getting harder and harder. Mommy’s had a UTI for almost a month now, and it took a week to finally get a ride to the pharmacy to pick up the antibiotics the doctor called in. She’s finished 2 rounds of antibiotics, so we hope they help her soon.



Z:  Ain’t that the truth. Frankly, I’m a little tired of seeing so much of the potty box room. It kind of interferes with my nap time…ya’ know?


Raena and Zebby lay on chest in bathroom



RB:  In the good news department, Zebby and I are both happily eating full raw diets. Mommy says I’ve been a bit of a stinker since we came back from the motel after the apartment remodel. But, I’ve finally transitioned to completely raw again. And the real upside is that I no longer have the daily throw ups and hurl everywhere. Y, I’ve even gained almost 4 pounds. Mommy says it’s so nice to not feel every bone when she touches me. I gotta tell ya’, I’m really liking the not hurling. And, I really like the tasty rabbit mommy makes with duck eggs. I’m still allergic to chicken, but thankfully, they’re not the only fowl that lays eggs. We’ll be posting more about all of this in an upcoming service cat article.



Z:  Yeah, mommy says we’re doing a little revamping here too. It’ll be slow, but eventually, we’ll get everything done. We just hope you all bare with us through it. Remember, mommy’s not a tech, so everything takes like forever for her to figure out. We’re still trying to move all our photos, so ya’ may see some repeats today along with a couple of new.


Raena's selfie from mommy A's lap



RB:  Yeah Zebby, the Mac is really different compared to the windows computer we’ve always used. But, we’ll get the hang of it…sooner or later. In the meantime, we’re sending all of you big hugs and lots of love. We promise to see you again real soon.



Love and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

RaenaBelle and Zebby



19 thoughts on “Catching Up: We’re Back

  1. Glad to see you. Hope your Mommy feels better soon. Our human brother had his car catch on fire, so he had to get a new one. It’s really a pain in the neck looking for a car. Good luck.


  2. whitefish wavez two ewe raena and zebby, nice two see ewe bak thiz way ❤️🐟‼️
    heerz two a grate week oh end N lookin for werd two mor postz again ‼️‼️


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