Chatting Cats: Raena Has A Virtual Play Date

(Taking you all back in time to last Thursday when mommy went to her dental surgery appointment and we, her beloved Service Cats, stayed home. Dezi was left in charge and Raena had pre-arranged a virtual play date with Simon of Brian’s Home Blog. The following events could have taken place during the hours of 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM

Sissy, mommy’s getting’ ready to leave. I’s don’t want her to leave me here. I’s wanna go with her.

(Raena begins to dance around and zoom thru the house and paw at her harness. In a last ditch attempt to make mommy change her mind and take her, she runs and jumps inside the stroller and pokes her head out the side and meows at mommy


 Dezi sits on scratcher


          RaenaBelle!!! Knock it off. Mommy has a good ride and will be fine. Besides, you have a play date to get ready fur. Simon will be here any minute now. 


 Raena bathes and plays on the floor


(Raena starts zooming thru the house again, and gathering up toys. She sits down to have a bath and meows at Dezi.Oh MeOW  I’s gotta floof up and have a quick bath. Sissy, will you put out the Yeowww toys, and maybe some of that yummy silvervine? Do all our ‘lectric toys have furesh batteries? Can you wave the wand toys fur us? Can we play on the Liberty Tree? Do you ‘member what Simon’s favorite treat is? Surely he’ll like our freeze dried chicken breasts. Maybe…


 Dezi lays on the Liberty Cat Tree and looks into the house


          Slow down Raena. Me plans on nappin’, not wand wavin’. There’s purrlenty of toys ‘round here fur ya’ll to play with. Maybe not the ‘lectric ones, me thinks you ran all the batteries down, and mommy hasn’t bought any more. Just ‘member the rules…No jumpin’ on me, chasin’ me or tryin’ to play with me’s tail. And pawsitively, NO funny business. You’re a respectable Southern Belle Lady cat and Simon be a very respectable gentlemancat; also from the South. 


No funny business? But I’s invited him over to play and have fun, sissy. 


          (Dezi shakes her head.)

          That’s not what…never mind. Ya’ll can have fun, just ‘member your manners to make mommy purroud. 

          (The doorbell rings and Raena jumps


Sissy, will you get the door? I’s found one of our silvervine sticks and I’s wanna clean it up and give it to Simon.


          (Dezi nods and heads for the door)

          Meowllo Simon. Glad you could come over and keep Raena busy while mommy’s away. Come on in and make yourself comfurtable. Mommy cleaned the fountains and put out furesh water, and she cleaned the litterboxes right befur she left. How’s the furmily?


 Dezi lays on floor with Simon


     Thanks Dezi. Everybody’s doing well, thanks for asking. I really appreciate you girls inviting me over for a play date. You know, my family doesn’t always appreciate my…energy and antics.


(Raena zooms into the living room and drops her silvervine stick in front of Simon. She blushes and coyly meows)

Do you like silvervine Simon? We luvs it. You can have this stick. We got a whole package fur Christmas. 


          Me’s gonna go to the back and have a nap. You two have fun.


 Raena plays with the Yeowww nip nanner while simon looks on


Fanky fanks sissy. C’mon Simon, do you like the Yeowww nip nanners? We’ve got 2, so we can each play with one. Feel furee to empty the toy basket, I’s do it all the time. MOL 

(Some hours later, Raena and Simon conspire to wake up Dezi to see if she wants to play with them)

You jump up from the far side of the bed and I’s’ll Jump on sissy from the pet steps.

(Simon jumps on the bed and Raena jumps on Dezi’s tail


          Hissssssssssssssss Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Me told ya’ll not to bother me. 


But sissy, we just wanted to see ifin you’d like to play?.


 Dezi lays on the bed surrounded by Raena and Simon of Brian's Home


          NO!!! Me doesn’t wanna play Raena. Me wants to take a nap in peace! Me thinks ya’ll have had too much nip and vine. Now both of ya’, go away and leave me alone.


 Raena and Simon lay on top of the Liberty Tree


     (Simon and Raena slink off back to the Liberty Tree)

     Oh Raena, your sisfur’s like mine. They don’t know what they’re missing. They just don’t appreciate a good game of tag. At least you only have 1 sisfur. I’ve got 6. And then there’s the one at the top of the landing behind bars. She’s so pretty, but she doesn’t even want me anywhere near her space. I think she’s in jail, but nobody seems to be interested in bailing her out. I’m only trying to help her when I go up to visit, but she doesn’t seem to want any visitors. Well, other than my mom and dad that is. Word is, she loves spending time with my dad. We all do. Our humans are pretty great. I’m really glad they decided to bring me and Seal inside. Ya’ know at first I wasn’t so sure about this inside living thing, but I’ve gotta admit, it sure is nicer than fending for yourself in the wild. And brother Brian’s pretty cool.


We luvs your furmily, Simon. Sorry your sisfurs are such killjoys. Ya’ know, sis Dezi and me could help ya’ spring Precious from jail. Word has it that sis Dezi and mine’s purredecessor Lexi, helped break a couple kitties outta the big house years ago.


     Thanks Raena, I’ll tell her. But I don’t think she wants to get sprung. Thanks for inviting me over. I had a great time. We’ll have to do this again sometime.


 Raena looks over from atop the Liberty Cat tree


Fanky fanks fur comin’ Simon. I’s had a great time. Havin’ company sure did help keep mine’s mind off the fact that mommy wasn’t here, and didn’t take me with her. Don’t furget to take your silvervine stick home. You’ll purrobably have to hide it or your fursibs might try to steal it. I’s found that they can’t steal it ifin ya’ hide it under the fridge or oven.

(Raena and Dezi say goodbye to Simon, and wait for mommy to come inside)

Fanky fanks fur lettin’ Simon come over sissy. We had a great time.


 Dezi and Raena on the Liberty Cat Tree


          Me’s glad ya’ll had fun Raena. And fanks fur not botherin’ me, Mostly.

          Well, there ya’ go. Things coulda happened this way, but the truth is…Raena has some real  seperation anxiety issues when it comes to mommy. Me heard furst hand, but mommy heard thru the grapevine, that Raena caterwauled almost the whole time mommy was gone. 



I’s don’t caterwaul sissy. I’s just missed mommy and wanted her to know I’s was thinkin’ ‘bout her. Fanky fanks to Brian and furmily fur lettin’ us borrow some fotos and blog our adventure. We hope you all have a pawsum day.


Till the next time………………………………………….Be Blest!!!


Raena: Navy Blue  

Dezi: Vibrant Blue  

Simon: Green


Luvs and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


RaenaBelle and Deztinee       

31 thoughts on “Chatting Cats: Raena Has A Virtual Play Date

  1. Yes, that was a fun time, Raena. Dezi was wise to go take a nice long beauty nap…well at least it was not too interrupted…
    Simon is a busy dude! A pawrfect match, huh??! MOL!

    Purrs & Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Audra you have a great gift for writing these blogs. I get enthralled by them and today’s one particularly with Raena and Simon.

    On a different note, I hope the extractions went well and you are recovering well.

    I love the antics of Raena and Dezi and you and long may they continue!

    Liked by 1 person

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