Blest Sunday Mish Mash

Meowllo and welcome to another Blest Sunday. We’re runnin’ really late today, but we didn’t wanna miss Blest Sunday cuz we’re blest. We are blest to have each and every one of you in our lives. And we’re blest to have each other. But mommy’s been real sick since Furiday, so me’s posty today isn’t gonna be too long. We wanted to show ya’ a video of Raena’s furst night here in her Furever home befur she got so big ya’ wouldn’t recognize her. MOL  Mommy’s been so busy dat she hadn’t had da time to edit any of da videos, so dat’s why we’re late today. Me told mommy she had to get a video done. And voila’, here it is. 

Ifin ya’ can’t see da video, click here.

Yeah me knows, she’s just too cute. Truth is, she’s not really dat bad. Me’s actually startin’ to really warm up to her. Y, just last night we was all chillin’ and layin’ together and watchin’ a little teevee. Kitties watchin’ teevee, ya’ say? Yep sure ‘nuff. Check out this foto of Raena ketchin’ out da action up close. MOL

 Raena watches teevee

Anyways, Mommy had her regular monthly doctor’s ‘pointment Furiday and da heat index was 112 degrees, so against her better judgement, she left both me and Raena at home and went by herself. She had been throwin’ up all meownin’ with a massive migraine, and passin’ out, but she said it was just too hot. As we’ve told ya’ da a/c in da car doesn’t work. Somethin’ ‘bout a motor bein’ out, and da lectric windows don’t roll down. So mommy says da car’s like an oven and she won’t take us anywhere lessen she absolutely has too; like Raena’s upcomin’ VET ‘pointment. Anyhow, mommy’s doctor told her she looked like death warmed over, and gave her more migraine medicine. It’s helpin’ some, but she still feels yucky, so we’ll be round to see ya’ as soon as we can. And, we had two innerviews scheduled fur humans to help mommy ‘round da house and errands and such, and both were no shows. So da search is still on.

 Raena inside fish bowl toy

Mommy says I’s not ‘posed to be inside da bowl, but I say it’s a purrfect fit.

Raena inside Fish bowl toy

Befur me goes, don’t furget to enter our pawsum Garfield Cat Litter Give Away. Me’s tellin’ ya’ this stuffs is great. Don’t know ifin any of da fotos we’s sharin’ actually was a selfie, but we’s joinin’ da Kitties Blue fur Selfie Sunday too. Try to stay cool and enjoy your day.

 Dezi and Raena playing

Dezi and Raena playing patty cake

Till da next time……………………………….Be Blest!!!

 Dezi rolling on Raena's nip mat

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Deztinee and RaenaBelle 

42 thoughts on “Blest Sunday Mish Mash

  1. Meowmy just oohed and awwed at that video! And its like she had toy ADD!! MOL!

    Sure hope by now that migraine is gone. Hot weather is so yucky it makes us all feel out of sorts.

    (Sorry we have been so AWOL ourselves…but we think we finally have all our Catster/Dogster things saved to the best of our ability and knowledge.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are so sorry your mom feels so sickly Dezi. Please stay and cuddle with her Raena. I know you will Dezi and I’m sure you’ll show your sis what to do. We enjoyed viewing Raena’s first night. She wasn’t a bit shy.

    Shoko and Kali

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  3. Loved the video and all the photos today. You both are so super cute. Sorry Mom Audra has been feeling badly. Hope she is better by now. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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