Blest Sunday: Bittersweet Memories

Happy Mew Year!!!!!

Dezi in a 2017 calendar

Welcome to our very furst Blest Sunday of da Mew Year. Can you believe it? Another year has come and gone. Saying goodbye to 2016 was very bittersweet fur us. Last year brought us so much sadness and yet, so much joy. We all meowed and chatted ‘bout just what kind of posty we would make today. We’ve made some mew furiends this year and lost some old ones, so in da end we decided a look back was the way to go. Fasten your seatbelts and let’s zoom back to January of 2016. (This posty looks longer than it is, cuz we added lots of fotos fur your viewing purrleasure.)

 Dezi and Lexi in their harness dresses laying together


Dezi looks out side window on her cardboard derby truck
Y This ain’t so bad after all.

What a fine time; sis Lexi was still with us. We don’t make resolutions in our house, so instead, me gave you all a challenge. With so many anipals awaitin’ their furevers, me challenged you to all share and do whatever you could to help more of those anipals than ever befur. We partnered with a shelter here in Oklahoma and shared adoptable kitties every week till the shelter was empty. That’s right, they actually went fur several weeks without any kitties needin’ furever homes. January wasn’t all work tho’. Mommy and me made mes furst pick up truck fur the annual Cat Scout Derby. Me didn’t win, but we did have a good time. Mommy fur sure isn’t crafty. MOL  And we never could have known when we wrote ‘bout our pets grief that we would be facing that ourselves very soon.

Lexi at 16 years old in mommy's lap
I luvz minez mommy even more today

In February, sis Lexi was havin’ more bad days than good, and we started getting all sentimental and mushy. We celebrated our 2nd blogoversay; and just in time fur Valentine’s Day, sis Lexi wrote a thank you post to mommy. Me wrote mes thank you a couple of days later. And we got all educational and wrote a post telling you all about spay/neuter and vaccinations.

 Lexi:Always and Furever

When March came blowing in, sis Lexi took a turn fur the worse. She couldn’t balance very well, and wouldn’t eat much. Ever the Service Cat tho’, she continued to do what she could to help mommy; giving her massages meowning and night. And on Wednesday March 9th, 2016, sis Lexi gave up the fight and went to heaven. Mommy was a mess; me was a mess, and we wrote another post on pets grieving. We ended the month explaining why mommy needs Service Cats.

Emerald Cat urn for Lexi's ashes
Isn’t this just beautiful? Lexis’ furever resting spot that will sit on mommys desk.

April found us trying to figure out how to go on without sis Lexi. We began our search fur a new Service Cat to help me help mommy. Little did we know, that she hadn’t yet been born.

May came rushing in, and found us posting home made treat recipes. You can check out a couple of those treats here and here. And furinally on mommys’ birthday, May 27th, she got a lead on a new Service Cat in training. She had been born April 21, 2016. Sis Lexis’ birthday would have been the 29th.

 Baby Raena her first day riding home with mommy

So we waited with baited breath fur June to roll round. The day finally rolled around and mommy went to pick up mes new sisfur and helper. She was a little puff ball of pi_ _ and vinegar. A real spitfire, mommy called her. Of all the names mommy threw out, the little spitfire answered to Raena. Mommy had done a little research and thought that was purrfect. It’s a shortened form of Rahannan and means “New Beginnings”. We purrticipated in our furst Blogville Pawlympics, and turned Miserable Mondays into Service Cat Mondays. We plan to continue posting those Service Cat posts this year, so ifin you have any questions about Service cats or training cats, just let us know.

 Raena eating bonito flakes

July came bounding in just like Raena. We continued our Service Cat Monday posts and Raena got to make her furst post all by herself. And she learned all about treats, catnip and giving reviews. She learned how to be a blogging cat.

 Raena peaking out of a chewy box

August sped in and saw Raena saying goodbye to monthly VET visits where she got poked and prodded. Raena continued to grow and explore her new home. We continued with Service Cat Monday and also wrote about kitties teething. We ended out the month with a day of remembrance written by mommy for sis Lexi.

 Raena playing with a silvervine stick


Dezi enjoying a silvervine stick

September 2016: Raena and me both got our furst Silvervine sticks. OMC  Those things are outta this world. And we continued Service Cat Mondays, offering training tips for all kitties.

 Mommy A waking Raena after her spay surgery

October was the month Raena had her “spa day”. We both got new harnesses and Raena learned to walk on a leash and go out in the stroller. We ended the month telling you about Shad, mommys’ furst Service Cat.

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Me couldn’t wait fur November to get here, it’s mes Birthday and Gotchaday month. What a time. Me got some great purresents and we finally had pizza. Raena got her furst nip nanner fur mes birthday. We also posted leash training tips in a Service Cat Monday post. And we were so blest to have received boxes fur mommy that included cleaning supplies fur all kinds of cleanin’, food and turkeys fur our holiday dinners.

 Raena plays with her Yeowww nip nanner

Finally, December blew in and so did Christmas. OMC  Were we ever blest!!! We got purresents, food and mommy food too. We received a couple more gifts over the weekend, that we still haven’t got fotos loaded fur. You know what else? All of you, our readers and furiends have been here fur us. We luv you all so very much!!!

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We’ve shared lots of sorrows this year, and also lots of joy. Some of us lost beloved family members, both furred and non furred, and some of us got new family members. The one thing we all have is the luv we share. 2016 was a roller coaster ride fur sure, but we wouldn’t have made it thru without all of you. Thank you all fur being our furiends, and sharing your lives, luv and support with us. The year was full of so much more, we just couldn’t list it all. We are indeed, Blest. ‘Member to take a minute today and everyday to give thanks fur the blessings in your lives. We’re joinin’ the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies, and we hope you enjoyed our little slideshow with more Christmas fun. We can’t wait to see what adventures we’ll all be up to this year.

 Raena in a 2017 calendar

Till the next time…………………………………Be Blest!!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Deztinee and RaenaBelle