Blest Sunday: Saying I Love You

Hey dearest furiends, how’ve ya’ been? Did y’all know our Blogoversary was Friday? Sure enough. We’ve been at it fur 8 years now. That’s longer than I’s been alive. Kittens, How time flies. We have made such amazing furiends over the years, and learned so much.


Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template



          A blogoversary? Is that like Christmas RaenaBelle? Do we get to celebrate and get presents?





Not exactly Zebby. We do celebrate, but there aren’t any presents. Although, I’s bet we could talk mommy into some treats later.





          I’s can always go fur some treats. I’s don’t know exactly what this blogoversary thing means, but ifin it’s the reason we have such amazing furiends, I’s really happy about it. I’s think we should celebrate our furiends every day. I’s heard mommy saying something about Love Your Cat day. I’s think we should have a Love your Furiends day.


Zebby sits pretty on cat tree, profile




I’s agree Zebby. Altho’, like mommy, I’s gotta wonder why it is we need a day to remind us to love somepawdy. Mommy says ifin ya’ love somepawdy, you should tell them every chance you get.




          Is that why she’s always picking us up and hugging us and telling us how much she loves us?




Yeah Zebby, that’s why. I’s like it…a lot. I’s can’t imagine what it would be like to not get so much loving. So, I’s guess ifin some peeps need to be reminded to say I’s loves you, then so be it.


Raena stands in chair. selfie




          Well Raena, just in case I’s haven’t meowed it today, I’s loves you too. We are so Blest to have so much loves in our lives.




Yeah, I’s loves you too Zebby. Even tho’ you’re a pest. All this meowing about loving has made me want some. I’s gonna go get some lap loving from mommy.



Zebby gets lap loving, selfie


          I’s’ll go link us up with the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies and join ya’ fur some of that lap loving.


Raena sits pretty and winksHere’s a wink and a kiss fur all of you.




As we do each week, we’d like to remind you to take a minute today and every day to Give Thanks fur the Blessings in  your lives. Thanky thank you fur being Blessings in ours. And, tell those around you just how much you loves them, and do it often. And, be sure to check out our latest Service Cat article here.




Till the next time………………………………………………………………….Be Blest!!!




Luvs and Hugs and Kitty Kisses




RaenaBelle and Zebadee

13 thoughts on “Blest Sunday: Saying I Love You

  1. guyz…lovez & sum winkz bak at ewe 😉 anda happee bee lated blog annie fur sarry !!! heerz two de next 80; we iz glad we iz friendz, glad ‘Pops” Pete pointed out yur blog ♥♥♥
    and lookin for werd ta mor postz thru out de yeer !!! happee healthee week a head 🙂 ♥♥


  2. One of the reasons we forget Love Your Pet Day is because I tell my cats I love them every day. They are hugged, fed, loved and snuggled every day. So I guess I have made this a year long celebration – right?


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