Flat Fun in Ohio

Well here we awe wiff anudder flat cat scout Caturday. And as purromissed me has anudder guest posty fur you today. Meez Pawsumly handsum mancat Andy is here to tell you all ‘bout meez flat scouts’ visit to hims house. Meez gotta tell ya’ meez flat, Izzy, had a pawsum time and never wanted to leave. Hims furmily is da bestest. Ifin yous missed pawrt one of meez visit click here to read it. Wiffout further adieu, Andy, take it away.

This be meez flat scout Izzy visitin' wiff Andy at hims house.
This be meez flat scout Izzy visitin’ wiff Andy at hims house.

Thank you Dezi. We did have a lot of fun. But you’re here to hear about the visit. We have lots of covered bridges in Ashtabula County. My mom and dad took Dezi, Christy, Meiko and Pete to see a covered bridge. This is my mom and dad’s favorite covered bridge because it has a nice park. It was really cool. The bridge goes over the Grand River. It is a one lane bridge and the wood makes a lot of noise when a car drives over it. It is a little bit scary. There is a walkway on the side of the bridge and people walk on it and fish from it. My mom took pictures of my dad showing our visiting Flat Cats the entrance to the covered bridge. Then mom took the cats for a walk on the walkway. Mom held them up and hung on to them so they could look down on the Grand River. They saw a few fish jumping but mom would not let any cat jump over the side to get the fishes.

The next day the cats went for a bicycle ride. My mom took Dezi and Christy for a ride and then she took Pete and Meiko. Mom and dad live on a busy road so mom always walks her bike down the road to a nice quiet side street. The Flats had a nice ride down the street. Everybody had a good time. Mom posed for a picture in the back yard with the Flat Cats. Mom Judy thinks she looks like a giant ladybug with her orange bicycle helmet.

Mom went to see Grandma Doris and the Flat Cats got to go along. On the way to see Grandma Doris they got to stop at the lake again. This time they got to play in the sand. Grandma Doris loves cats and she loved seeing all of the flats. They sat on Grandma Doris’ lap and had a nice conversation with her. Uncle Frank (mom Judy’s brother) came over after work and he brought dinner. They had chick hen and all of the fixins. It was really good. He also brought some wonderful pumpkin muffins. They were made at the in store bakery where he works. All of the flats enjoyed meeting mom Judys mother and brother. After dinner they said goodbye and came home.

The next day mom Judy put Dezi and Christy in an envelope and sent them on another adventure. They are going to see Timmy Tomcat his brother Einstein and all their fursibs. We were sad to see them go.


Fank you fur tellin’ this stowry Andy. And fanks fur hostin’ us at yous house. And don’t furget to enter our give away fur da Groom Genie. You have till midnight on Monday to enter. Click here to be twansported to da Rafflecopter.


Till da next time………………………….Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi wiff Andy

My Flat Boyfriend

Well we opened our puter on Wednesday and stawrted visitin’ as usual and made our furst comment and got a message dat sed “no innernet connection”. Mommy looked down in da corner at our little innernet icon and sure nuff, no connection. And then just as suddenly as it went off, it was back on. We made our comment and went to da next bloggy. And again we had no innernet connection and then we did. A few more times of dat and mommy was fed up. So she called At&t. Sissy and me knew it wasn’t gunna be a good day cuz weez not fink even da manager can furustwate mommy as bad as At&t. Da automated system checked our line and immediately twansfurred mommy to a live purrson. Dat don’t happen offen, so maybe it wasn’t gunna be such a bad day after all. MOL Mommy’s amazement didn’t last long cuz da “live purrson” sed a tech was gunna have to come out and fix it. So mommy sed “Let’s do this ASAP,” and we got on da schedule fur Fursday. Mommy asked when on Fursday and da opurrator sed, “A tech will be by Thursday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.. An adult must be purresent and it will take 2-4 hours.” Is it any wunder why nopawdy likes At&t? As you can tell, our innernet is fixed and weez back. So today meez gunna tell ya’ ‘bout da visit we had wiff meez sweet mancats’ flat duwin’ hims visit. And don’t furget to tune in fur pawrt 2 of meez flat visit at hims house on Caturday.

This be meez flat scout Izzy visitin' wiff Andy at hims house.
This be meez flat scout Izzy visitin’ wiff Andy at hims house.

So while meez flat scout Izzy was in Ohio visitin’ wiff Andy, hims flat was here at meez house visitin’. When hims furst awwived me was so ‘cited mommy kuldn’t even get any fotos, cuz me kept rubbin’ up against him. Finally mommy suggested we hang on da Liberty twee fur a while and let Andy rest up after hims long twip. Fank catness da sun was shinin’ dat day and we enjoyed watchin’ da birdy’s and squirrels.

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After dinner sissy and Andy sat down to have a little chat. Yous know meez sissy be a gweat judge of character and me weally wanted hers to like Andy. She filled hims in on da sleepin’ awwangements and dat hims kuld sleep in da bed wiff all of us but hims wuld be at da udder end of da bed fwum me. Me just knew dat was okay wiff Andy cuz hims so wespectful and gentlemanly.

Now Lizzen up Andy...
Now Lizzen up Andy…

Da next day we went fur a pawsum stwoll.. Andy liked da stwoller so much dat when we got back inside we took a nap in it. It’s weally comfurrtable cuz it has a fleece blanky acwoss da bottom. We played and hung out on da cat twee a lot. Hims even got to sit on da scwatcher lounger a while. Me didn’t want hims to ever leave cuz we was havin’ so much fun.

Sissy ‘cided to give her appwoval and rubbed him wiff hers chin and cheeks. Me just knew sissy was gunna like him. Me was weally sad to see hims go, but we will meet up duwin’ da holidays at da Den Masters House when all da flat scouts awe getting’ togevver. Dat’s gunna be gweat fun. So we sed our goodbyes and sent Andy on hims way. Hims was a pawsum guest and welkum back anytime. All da scouts who have visited have been just pawsum. Me can’t wait fur da next flat scout to visit. And to ketch up wiff meez flat Izzy on hers next visit. And ifin yous finkin’ this sounds like fun and sumfin’ yous wuld like to be a pawrt of, click here to join cat scouts. And as we do every week, weez joinin Rascal and Rocco fur da Pet Parade Blog Hop.

Youz a pawzum Mancat Andy. Dezi beez lucky too habz you.
Youz a pawzum mancat Andy. Dezi beez lucky too habz you.

Till da next time………………….Be Blest!!!

Don’t furget to enter our give away fur da Groom Genie. Click da foto below.


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi

hugging cat

Having Fun In Ohio

Ahoy Maties and happy Caturday and Meow like a Pirate day. It’s time fur anudder Flat Cat Caturday. And meez been tellin’ ya’ dat me had a surpwise fur ya’. Last Fursday you all read da fictional account of Izzy and Tristy twavelin’ to see meez handsum mancat Andy. Ifin yous missed it, you can read it here. So today yous gunna get to hear pawrt one of what’s been goin’ on at Andys house. And even better, yous gunna hear it stwaight fwum him. Yep, dat’s wight. Andy be tellin’ da stowry today.. And be sure and tune in next week fur da pawsum 2nd pawrt. Take it away Andy.

dw-Andy and Dezi
Isn’t meez mancat handsum?

When Dezi and Christy arrived they were hot and tired. They met my whole family and got acquainted with my sisfurs Shelly and Tater. After we met them we all ate some good noms had some treats and then went to bed.


dw-bGrandma Jeannette

The next day was a rainy day so they went to see Grandma Jeannette. They really liked her. Grandma Jeannette has a woofie named Raymond. The people at the Shelter named him Raymond because he has a sweet personality and everybody at the shelter loved him. They sat at the table with Grandma Jeannette and had a nice visit with her and Raymond. (grandma Jeannette has been artfully cropped out because she’s shy)

dw- Dezi and Christy at Duck Pond

The sun finally came out the next day. Mom Judy and Dad Dave took Dezi and Christy to Lakeshore Park to visit the duck pond. Dad Dave took the steps to get down to the duck pond and for some reason mom Judy decided to run down the hill. Luckily Dad Dave was carrying the Flats. Mom Judy took a couple of steps down the hill and went the rest of the way down on her backside. She was OK. They met the ducks and were not scared of them at all because they were very nice ducks. They had a conversation with the ducks and then they went home.

dw-d Christy Dezi Meiko and Pete Lift Bridge


The next day Scouts Meiko and Pete arrived. They all went to Point Parke overlooking the Ashtabula River. The Ashtabula River goes into Lake Erie. There is a lift bridge that was built in 1925. The bridge goes up every half hour to allow boats to go to the Ashtabula Yacht Club.  Right when they got to the Point the bridge went up. They also saw an artist painting a picture of the Lift Bridge. They did not want to bother her by taking her picture. Then they went to Lakeshore Park again. They went down to the water and sat on a bench. Mom Judy saw some sailboats out on the horizon.  There were no little children around so they got to play on the playground.

dw-f Meiko Dezi Pete Christy jungle gym

After that they went to the Marina to check out the boats. They saw a really big sailboat that was docked. There were not very many people around so they had their picture taken in front of a big sailboat. While they were there a marina rescue boat was towing in a disabled boat. They watched it for a while and then they went home.

dw-Dezi, Meiko Christy Pete Beach

Stay tuned for Part II. (All fotos courtesy of Andy McIntyre, hims mom and dad)

By: Andy McIntyre

Till da next time…………………..Be Blest!!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi


Virtual Or Real

We Make a Difference…

It’s anudder Monday and da mumff is goin’ by fast. Christmas will be here afur yous know it and so will da cooler wevver. Our weekend was purretty busy here. It stawrted on Furiday night when me planned to earn meez Campfire tails badge at Cat Scouts by tellin’ da stowry of flat scouts’ Izzy and Tristy;’s travels. Me had been wantin’ to earn this badge fur a while but since mommy’s bwain dusn’t work so good at tellin’ tales me was just too nervous to twy. When we ‘cided to do these stowries me fawt it was da purrfect time. And when Scout Charles suggested it; dat just confurmed it was time. Me didn’t make a big fuss and da wesult was dat not many scouts turned out fur meez stowry tellin’ time. Meez sweet Andy showed up to support me and scout Pete H came by too. Foxy’s daddy, unkle Edward dwopped by cuz hims was missin’ Foxy. Member we wrote dat they was bein’ displaced. Foxy has gone to stay wiff scout Charles fur a bit till unkle Edward can find them a place to live.


Cat Scouts awe so pawsum. You offen read posts all over Blogville ‘bout da fun and games we have. And we sure do have a lot of them. Us scouts know how to have a good time. But there’s anudder side of Cat Scouts dat we don’t talk ‘bout offen, and dat’s da serious side. Mommy’s been a little unner da wevver since late Caturday so me told her she kuld take a bweak fwum da finkin’ posties today and let me tell y’all a little more ‘bout Cat Scouts. Weez wecently had quite a few new scouts join up. And dat’s pawsum. Lots of us scouts invite kitties when we write ‘bout our fun activities. And there’s not a fing wrong wiff joinin’ up to have fun. But dat’s not all Cat Scouts is about and Den Master has had to add sum new rules fur new members so they’ll unnewstand dat there’s a lot more to scouts than pawrties.

One of our new scouts Daedalus made this fur me.
One of our new scouts Daedalus made this fur me.

Cat Scouts take helpin’ udders very serious. Every mumff scouts send birffday cawds and holiday cawds to peeps in hospitals and homes. And member last Christmas when sissy and me got purresents fwum Angel Scouts? Wiffout those pawsum scouts sis Lexi and me wuldn’t have had much in da way of purresents. Now meez not sayin’ we have to have purresents, cuz we got da bestest purresent ever when we got a home wiff mommy. But me will also tell ya’ dat it sure was nice. We also have a chapel where we list purrayer wequests. And we all take dat seriously. And it’s not just udder scouts dat get purrayed fur. Weez all post da needs of all our furmily and furiends. We have quests a few times a year. We do have fun, but quests also teaches us fings. We learn fings like how to work togevver, and how to take care of our planet. We learn fings ‘bout udder kuntwies flags and ideals. We learn ‘bout what flowers and plants be okay fur us kitties and what be dangerwous in our botany tests.

We awe there fur each udder and twy to help one anudder any way we can. Sumtimes dat means a purrayer or word of encouragement. Several of meez fellow scouts have helped wiff sis Lexi’s meds and VET visits and foods. And sumtimes it’s more. Like scout Charles openin’ hims home to Foxy so she wuldn’t have to go to da shelter and kuld be weunited wiff hers daddy. These awe real fings. Altho’ most of da fings we do at scouts is virtual, we do make a diffewence in da real world too. Ifin yous just joinin’ Cat Scouts yous’ll need to get a unifurm wiffin’ da furst week. Dat’s no purroblem; our Sewmaster scout Gracie can whip you up a customized unifurm complete wiff badges in no time. Speakin’ of badges, yous’ll need to earn a few shortly after joinin’ up. But hey, dat’s easy. Most of ya’ have fotos alweady in yous awrsenal. Da furst badge me earned was da Meatloaf. Most kitties have at least one meatloaf foto hangin’ wound.

Da Ferris wheel at da Cat Scouts Cawrnival.
Da Ferris wheel at da Cat Scouts Cawrnival.

And lastly, new scouts must pick a patwol. We all have fun hangin’ wound da campfire but a patwol is a smaller gwoup compwised of a leader and udder members. These patwols work togevver on fings like da quests and makin’ floats and booffs fur cawrnivals and such. They help to keep all of da scouts infurmed when one of their members has a need. So Cat Scouts is a fun place fur kitties, but it’s also a pawsum place to gwo and learn to be better cats and cat peeps. It’s da “be all you can be” place fur cats. Ifin yous lookin’ fur a place to belong and be supported and gwo, Cat Scouts just might be da place fur you. So just click here and head on over. Me will see ya’ at da campfire.

Andy and me takin' a memowy foto at da cawrnival
Andy and me takin’ a memowy foto at da cawrnival

Me also wanted to tell ya’ bout a few fings comin’ up on meez bloggy. We have a pawsum weview and give away comin’ soon. And guess what? Meez give away is gunna be open to all wesidents of da USA and Canada. And it’s sumfin’ every house wiff a pet needs. Weez also got more twainin’ and flat scout stowries to tell. And…mommy just might be duin’ a little weview of hers own here. So stay tuned cuz yous not wanna miss anyfin’.

Till da next time…………………………..Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi
