Furry Memories On Monday

MeOW and welcome to a memory filled Monday. That’s right, today all across the blogosphere we’re takin’ a moment to ‘member those that have left this earthly realm. We know you might have come here today fur our Service Cat Monday posty, and we hope you’ll join us next Monday when we’ll pick up where we last left off. But, today is a very special day; and havin’ lost a great luv, we decided to take part in Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. Altho’ we don’t believe in this Rainbow Bridge, we do believe in heaven, and that our luvved ones move on to a better place when they leave us.


Lexi at 16 years old in mommy's lap
I luvz minez mommy even more today



Our furst memory today is of sis Lexi, mommy’s beluvved Service Cat and me’s much luvved sisfur. We miss her somethin’ fierce and hate that she had to go. Fur 17 years sis Lexi never left mommy’s side. Fur seven of those years, she was the bestest sisfur this girly could have ever asked fur. Sis Lexi was an Alpha cat from the minute she was born. Even tho’ she was the boss, she was almost always gentle ‘bout puttin’ me in me’s place. A lot of peeps only saw a black tabby cat when they looked at her. But to mommy and me, she was the most bootyful soul that ever lived. Even in her last days, she remained the majestic Empress and dutiful Service Cat. She could barely stand on her own four paws, but each day she was there to help mommy get her day started and end her days with luvvin’ massages. We will never unnerstand why she had to leave us; but, we’ll always ‘member her with a smile and luv in our hearts.


Ransom in good bye frame with poem

Ransom’s kitten photo






     We will at that sweet Dezi. Some days are better than others, but there will always be a hole in my heart that belonged to my beautiful Lexi. Good night my love, we will meet again. Lexi and I had known loss. Too much if you ask me, but God knows things I don’t. Even knowing that I would have to lose my precious fur babies, I wouldn’t have wanted to live my life without them. Before Dezi joined our family, Lexi and I had 5 great years with the very handsome Ragamuffin, Ransom. Bless his heart, he was all boy, all the time. He broke his leg when he was about 6 months old being rambunctious and throwing caution to the wind in his play. Just as his leg healed, he developed a severe UTI and his heart murmur got worse. He held on and fought to live four more years before leaving us for heaven. A piece of my heart will always belong to that fluffy little black kitty boy.



Lucky and Lexi lay in their window perches

Lucky and Lexi enjoyed their window perches. They laid side by

side for hours, daily.



     Before Ransom, there was Lucky, Lucky Luciano to be accurate. Altho’ named after a mobster, Lucky was the sweetest, most good natured Siamese I’d ever known. Born exactly 28 days before Lexi, they had grown up together and had a bond that almost killed her when he left. He was a gentle giant that loved spending time with me and his sisfur. He and Lexi were the first Service Cats to learn to drive the wheelchair. Nothing scared him. He was adventurous and giving. He regularly stepped back and let the gluttonous Lexi, who had scarfed down her meal, take his. He knew there would always be more. That mommy would always make sure he had plenty and never went hungry. He developed a sudden UTI that had him completely blocked. Unfortunately, my ignorance and lack of money cost him his life. I so miss his curious little apple headed face poking around the corner to spy on me. His journey to heaven left Lexi and me lost for years. When Lucky left, he took a big chunk of our hearts with him. I like to believe Lexi and Lucky are together again, waiting for me to join them in the happy hereafter.



Devon and Lucky


This is Devon and Lucky and Lexi hangin' out tugeddew.
This is Devon and Lucky and Lexi hangin’ out together


     Devon, a boxy Himilayan, was an only cat when I decided to start fostering kittens for the rescue group that brought me Lucky and Lexi. He was such a good natured laid back boy, that he took it all in stride. He was a great Service Cat, and even liked to play daddy to the kittens I brought in. We fostered motherless kittens. Even when they would yell all night and keep us awake for weeks at a time, he would still coddle and bathe them and teach them how to be a cat. A brain tumor took him away much too young. Every time I see a kitty curled up in a sink, I smile and remember my sweet Himi boy. Altho’ he is missed, I’m grateful he’s no longer in pain and confused. 



Shad in Crossing Over frame with poem

Shad, the original Service Cat



     I end my memories today with my faithful Shad, my first Service Cat. She was the original, and there will never be another like her. She and I had a hard life, but a life filled with love and devotion. It was her love and devotion for me that caused her to take action and train herself to help me after my accident. She was remarkable, silly, and her love knew no bounds. Whether we lived in our car or had a home with rooms and stability, she was happiest just being with me. She brought me thru some of the worst times in my life and taught me to love and trust again. She will always be missed. Again, at five years old, she was taken from this world far too soon. But, her legacy lives on in each cat that came after her. Good Night my sweet babies, we will be together again. And until that day, your love pushes me onward and fills our home. You will forever be remembered.


 Lexi and Dezi lay together on window perch

Me and sis Lexi luvved each other and mommy dearly



Thank you fur sharin’ the legacy of your Service Cats mommy. Me and Raena have some big paws to fill. Me is so grateful fur all the kitties who came befur me. They have helped shape and educate me’s mommy to be the mommy she is today. While she doesn’t know everythin’, their lives and losses has caused her to research and never give up. We don’t like to say good bye, cuz we know we will all be together again someday. So, till then, it’s not good bye, but Good Night. We’ll meet you all by the River of Life, when the Son calls us home. We wanna fank you all fur lettin’ us share these wonderful memories with you all today. Purrlease join us next Monday when our regularly scheduled Service Cat Monday posts will return. Check out me’s posty ‘bout sis Lexi at the Tabby Cat Club and while you’re there, check out everypawdy else’s memories too.


Till the next time…………………………………………Be Blest!!!


Dezi: Vibrant Blue 

Mommy A: Black




Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


Deztinee, RaenaBelle and Mommy A

Blest Sunday: A Walk Down Memory Lane Blogoversary

(Dezi jumps up on mommy’s lap and Raena follows suit.)

Hey Raena, me was here furst. 


 Raena in a recursion frame.


          I’s want some luvvin’ too sissy. 


 Dezi lays in mommy's lap and gets lovingIt’s me’s Blogoversary and me was gettin’ luvvin’ furst.



Wait your turn. Me’s here now and me’s gonna write me’s Blogoversary posty. 



          Well sissy, mommy says it’s our Blogoversary.


Dezi sits and poses in a reflection frame of purple and gray

Well it’s got me’s name on it, and besides, you haven’t even been here a year yet. Me’s bloggy is 3 years old. That’s 2 years longer than you’ve even been alive. 


          I’s gonna tell mommy that you’re bein’ mean to me. 


 Dezi and Raena in purple frame with grayscale applied and reflections


Oh purrlease. Don’t be so whiney. Anyways…A lot of ya’ have heard the story of how we got started, but we do have some new followers that haven’t. So, we thought we’d give ya’ a little history behind Deziz World. We were all new to the world of computers and the internet. Mommy was terrified of the online world, so while taking a class, she set up our Facebook account under sis Lexi and me’s name. Not long after she learned ‘bout Facebook pages and created one fur sis Lexi so we could share the idea of Service Cats with the world. Sissy told a story almost every night back then. It was a lot of work fur mommy, but we started makin’ some pawsum furiends and found a whole community of cats and their peeps.


 Starry eyed Lexi in a multicolor frame of pinks, purples an turquoise.Sis Lexi was the only one old enuff to have a Facebook account.

So her name’s furst and her birthday’s on our account.


Soon after, one of those cats, Timmy Tomcat, asked ifin anypawdy would be innerested in guest bloggin’ at Blue’s Lounge. We had no clue what bloggin’ was, but mommy said me could do it since sissy had a Facebook page. Uncle Pete and Timmy, told us to create an account on WordPress that we would use to post from. Mommy bein’ catputer illiterate, created our account and answered each question as bestest she could. Befur we knew it, DezizWorld was created. Mommy was so confused and couldn’t even find Blue’s Lounge. She had no idea she had created our very own bloggy. We wrote to uncle Pete and Timmy and ‘splained what we thought we did, and he said, we now had our own bloggy that we could post on. ‘Member when we said we didn’t know what bloggin’ was? Well, here’s our very furst posty. Yep, we’ve come a long way since then. We wrote a total of 8 postys our furst month. We told the stories of how and when we came to live with mommy.


 Dezi lays in mommy's lap and gets loving


We didn’t even know how to comment on other blogs back then. We visited quite a few everyday, but had no way of commentin’. And then one day, the light bulb went off in mommy’s head and she figured it out. Of course, Timmy’s bloggy was the furst bloggy we commented on. We became Timmy stalkers really. MOL  Now we’re great furiends and feel so blest to have Timmy and his furmily in our lives.


 Cat Scouts Jamboree with Timmy, Andy, Nibbler, Dezi, Einstein, and Shoko
Timmy Tomcat and Dezi dance at a Cat Scout eventYep, dat’s Timmy and me dancin’. Me learned a lot ’bout

da virtual world in Cat Scouts.


Oh, me has to tell you a really funny story. Somehow, we had started following Sammy from the then One Spoiled Cat. At that time, he was postin’ ‘bout a “virtual” trip to outer space. ‘Course he never said anythin’ ‘bout it bein’ virtual. And every day we would get these emails ‘bout space ships with photos of kitties on human bodies dressed in space suits. Mommy was all like, “Who would let their beloved kitty go to outer space?” “What cat would even wear those space helmets?” “My cats are Service Cats, I couldn’t live without them that long.” (shakes head) Oh me’s dear sweet mommy. Turns out it was a virtual adventure Sammy was headin’ up fur his fellow Cat Scouts and bloggin’ buddies. And awnty Pam and Sam? They turned out to be great furiends and lots of help when it came to unnerstandin’ this bloggin’ thing. Me’s now taken several of those “virtual” trips meself. Me hasn’t been to outer space, but ya’ never know what the future holds.


 Dezi in her Sabertooth Cat Scout uniformMe has ascended da ranks to Sabertooth


I'z in da Tabby Cat Club tu!!
I’z in da Tabby Cat Club tu!!
Meez in da Tabby Cat Club!!
Meez in da Tabby Cat Club!!


Brian sponsor badge


Me followed Timmy to Cat Scouts, and sis Lexi and me joined The Tabby Cat Club. And all the while we kept meetin’ more and more pawsum peeps and their anipals. We’ve made so many amazin’ furiends and have been blest to overflowin’ by your luv and support. Brian and his furmily were so gracious and sponsored our furst trip to BlogPaws. It was sooooooo amazin’ and we met so many of our pawsum furiends in the flesh and fur. We were innerviewed fur the Mousebreath Magazine by those crazy funny farmers over at Jan’s Funny Farm. We’ve since been featured on a few other blogs and have a few features comin’ up soon. We’ve joined the Chewy.com Influencer group and received and reviewed a lot of pawsum purroducts. And there’s many more reviews in our future.


 Lexi in a peaceful cloud frame with a dove


A lot of you were here when sis Lexi was diagnosed with CKD and mommy went in search of the best way to manage it. And more of you were here when sissy had to leave us fur her final journey to heaven. More of you joined us when me’s new sisfur and Service Cat in Training, RaenaBelle joined us. And still more when we innerduced our Service Cat Monday Series this past year. Deziz World the blog is always growin’ and evolving just like we are. We so hope you all stay with us as we continue to learn and grow. We hope to continue to bring you blessings, smiles, laughter, and a little education along the way. Ifin there’s somethin’ you would like to see, let us know. Ifin it’s within’ our power, we’ll try to do it.


 Raena in square gradient frame


Fank you all fur bein’ here and bein’ our furiends. We never could have ‘magined all the blessings we would receive when we started on this journey 3 years ago. And even tho’ there’s been purrlenty of sad along the way, we wouldn’t change a thing. Blessings abound each and every day. You just have to stop and see them. Sometimes they’re the very things we take fur granted, such as breathing, and the flowers that bloom in spring, and even sometimes those amazin’ furiends. So ‘member to take a minute today and every day to give thanks fur the blessings in your life. And don’t furget to tell your furiends what they mean to ya’ every once in a while. You never know what somepawdy might be goin’ thru and just how much your kind words might mean to them. Fank you fur takin’ this walk down memory lane and little glimpse into the future with us.


 Dezi and Raena cubed


Till the next time……………………………………..Be Blest!!!


Dezi: Vibrant Blue 

Raena: Navy Blue



Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


Deztinee and RaenaBelle and mommy A       

Blest Sunday

It’s time fur anuvver Blest Sunday. Our favowit posty of the week. Weez a little behind today cuz Worpress didn’t publish like it was posed to. But dat’s okay, it just reminds us dat technology is not wiffout it’s faults.

Weez blest to have a mommy who luvs us
Weez blest to have a mommy who luvs us, and weez’ll be duin’ a lot of this today.

It’s been an innerestin’ week wound here fur sure. As you know mommy took off a lot of da early pawrt of da week to get weady fur da inspection and learn more ‘bout Sterile Cystitis. Weez’ll be tellin’ ya what she learned later this week. Yous’ll wanna tune in fur dat cuz our furst report based on musings fwum da VET wasn’t completely accurate. Dat dusn’t surpwise us, cuz as you know weez not have da bestest VETs in da world here. They awe unfurtunately in it fur da money. Weez know there’s gotta be a good one wound here sumwhere tho’ so our search is still on.

However based on da VETs musings da war over meez noms began. Mommy won da furst battle and meez no longer eatin’ Blue Buffalo at all. No wet, no kibble, no BB in meez plate. Me weally likes catnip tea and so mommy’s been makin’ it fur me to incwease meez fluid intake. Da result has been sum larger clumps in da pawdee box which seems to make mommy happy. Who wulda known she wuld be happy ‘bout seein’ bigger pee clumps. After all sis Lexi has boulder size clumps and dat dusn’t make mommy happy. MOL  Course it’s cuz of da CKD dat hers clumps be so big. Anyways, da war wages on but mommy has sum fings comin’ dat she hopes will be hers secwet weapon and put an end to da war once and fur all. We shall see. We shall see. MOL  Me is fur sure feelin’ better, mommy can see it now.

It's Tocktober at da TCC and all wound da blogospere.
It’s Tocktober at da TCC and all wound da blogospere. Mommy dusn’t take many fotos of our backside, so this is all weez got fur now.

And in udder news, sis Lexi be duin’ weally good wight now too. She’s eatin’ purretty good and in weally good spirits. She’s been purrlayin’  and weez been havin’ fun purrlayin’ chase up and down da kitty steps. And she’s been havin’ fun dwinkin’ fwum da pawdee box room faucet. Every meownin’ she hangs out on da vanity waitin’ fur mommy to finish bwushin’ hers teeff and washin hers face so she can play in da sink wiff da water. Since mommy always furgets to take a camera to bed wiff us we don’t have fotos, but mommy’s workin’ on it. She’s put up a few sticky notes to remind her to put a camera in da pawdee box room afur weez go to bed one night.

I'z showin' off minez tockz too.
I’z showin’ off minez tockz too.

So, dat’s an update on how weez be duin’ and how our week went. We awe so blest to be feelin’ good and havin’ fun. We have sum gweat fings comin’ up fur yous all. Yous not wanna miss tomorrow, weez havin’ a pawsum give away just in time fur da season of fallin’ leaves and punkins. And fur those of ya’ out there what likes to watch movies, mommy found an app in da app store fur furee what allowed her to watch all da latest and even da oldie movies. It’s called Free Film-Free Movies. She even lissened to watched Jurassic World yesfurday. She sed hopefully she’ll have enuff time to actually watch it all da way fwu today. MOL  Weez didn’t get paid nuffin’ fur tellin’ ya’ ’bout dat, matter of fact, they don’t even know us fwum Adam. MOL  We just fawt yous might like to know.


As always we awe so blest to have you all In our lives. We purreciate all yous support and continued purrayers. Know dat yous all be in our purrayers each and every day. We luv yous all so very much. Don’t furget meez birffday celebwation on November 2nd. Ifin yous wuld like to be included in da posty, purrlease send yous fotos to meez email at: lexi.dezi@yahoo.com by 10/30/15. And ifin yous need help getting’ dwessed up send a clear foto of yous face and weez’ll get ya’ ready. Meez sweet mancat Andy is helpin’ me so nopawdy has to miss meez pawrty. Da theme be Gone Wiff da Wind.

 dw-Dezi Birthday invite

Till da next time……………………………….Be Blest!!!



Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi

Having Fun In Ohio

Ahoy Maties and happy Caturday and Meow like a Pirate day. It’s time fur anudder Flat Cat Caturday. And meez been tellin’ ya’ dat me had a surpwise fur ya’. Last Fursday you all read da fictional account of Izzy and Tristy twavelin’ to see meez handsum mancat Andy. Ifin yous missed it, you can read it here. So today yous gunna get to hear pawrt one of what’s been goin’ on at Andys house. And even better, yous gunna hear it stwaight fwum him. Yep, dat’s wight. Andy be tellin’ da stowry today.. And be sure and tune in next week fur da pawsum 2nd pawrt. Take it away Andy.

dw-Andy and Dezi
Isn’t meez mancat handsum?

When Dezi and Christy arrived they were hot and tired. They met my whole family and got acquainted with my sisfurs Shelly and Tater. After we met them we all ate some good noms had some treats and then went to bed.


dw-bGrandma Jeannette

The next day was a rainy day so they went to see Grandma Jeannette. They really liked her. Grandma Jeannette has a woofie named Raymond. The people at the Shelter named him Raymond because he has a sweet personality and everybody at the shelter loved him. They sat at the table with Grandma Jeannette and had a nice visit with her and Raymond. (grandma Jeannette has been artfully cropped out because she’s shy)

dw- Dezi and Christy at Duck Pond

The sun finally came out the next day. Mom Judy and Dad Dave took Dezi and Christy to Lakeshore Park to visit the duck pond. Dad Dave took the steps to get down to the duck pond and for some reason mom Judy decided to run down the hill. Luckily Dad Dave was carrying the Flats. Mom Judy took a couple of steps down the hill and went the rest of the way down on her backside. She was OK. They met the ducks and were not scared of them at all because they were very nice ducks. They had a conversation with the ducks and then they went home.

dw-d Christy Dezi Meiko and Pete Lift Bridge


The next day Scouts Meiko and Pete arrived. They all went to Point Parke overlooking the Ashtabula River. The Ashtabula River goes into Lake Erie. There is a lift bridge that was built in 1925. The bridge goes up every half hour to allow boats to go to the Ashtabula Yacht Club.  Right when they got to the Point the bridge went up. They also saw an artist painting a picture of the Lift Bridge. They did not want to bother her by taking her picture. Then they went to Lakeshore Park again. They went down to the water and sat on a bench. Mom Judy saw some sailboats out on the horizon.  There were no little children around so they got to play on the playground.

dw-f Meiko Dezi Pete Christy jungle gym

After that they went to the Marina to check out the boats. They saw a really big sailboat that was docked. There were not very many people around so they had their picture taken in front of a big sailboat. While they were there a marina rescue boat was towing in a disabled boat. They watched it for a while and then they went home.

dw-Dezi, Meiko Christy Pete Beach

Stay tuned for Part II. (All fotos courtesy of Andy McIntyre, hims mom and dad)

By: Andy McIntyre

Till da next time…………………..Be Blest!!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi
