Dear Mr. Santa Paws

Well meowllo everypawdy, hope yous havin’ a good week. Last year at this time we wuz new to everyfin’ and we stawted seein’ all these letters to this Santa Paws and everypawdy wanted to know when we wuz gunna wight ours. To be honest we didn’t know Santa and had never written hims a letter, but after lookin’ wound and checkin’ fings out and a foo fings bein’ splained to us we finally sat down and wrote hims a letter. And now it be dat time of year where we shuld be writin’ him again. So, sis Lexi and me sat down last night and wrote us a letter to submit to Mr. Santa Paws. And mommy sez hims can get it fwum here as well, so weez fawt we wuld post it today. Now we did learn last year dat peeps hav to help Santa by payin’ fur da fings hims bwings, so we wanna make sure you all unnerstand weez not askin’ fur you to pay him fur anyfin’ fur us. Okay?

 0dw Dezi luv mommycu

Dear Mr. Santa Paws, 

Deztinee here fur sis Lexi and me this year. First off we sure wuld like to fank you fur delivewin’ all those pawsum gifts to us last year. Dat wuz so amazin’. We had never seen anyfin’ like dat afur. We sure awe blest to hav so many wunnewful furiends dat luv us so much. And altho’ not furever homes we sure do purreciate you findin’ foster homes fur those foo shelters dat emptied out fur da holidays and closed cuz there wuz no kitty there. We awe so glad those kitties got to be in a home and know luv. Even ifin fur only a short time.  And we sure do purreciate you visitin’ all ow furiends. They didn’t get everyfin’ on their lists but they sure nuff got a lot and were very happy.  So I guess now me shuld move on to this year. 

 0dw Lexi mommys lap

Well mommy sez dat sis Lexi and me hav been purrfect angels this past year. Me had a little issue fur a while wiff da pawdee box but mommy sez dat wusn’t meez fault and you shuldn’t count dat against me. And now dat we got a gigantor pawdee box all’s well. We kuld use anudder, but da one we hav is mighty fine. And we got so blest this year when ow house flooded and ruined mommy’s chair and ow mattwess. All ow furiends came togedder and gave gween papers fur us to buy new. And we even got sum extwa stuffs, like dat gigantor pawdee box. Sis Lexi got sum pawsum steps dat hav been such a gweat big help fur her. And well, me luvs ‘em too. We won a foo contests this year and we hav sum gweat new toys and a fountain to help us dwink more water. And mommy even won an iPad Air da udder day in a drawin’. We awe indeed sum very blest kitty girls.

So now to ow wish list. Sure hope you can manage it, we know we hav sum purretty big requests, but mommy sez it’s okay, it never hurts to ask. Firstly, weez lost a lot of sweet kitty and anipal furiends this past year to illnesses and accidents and such. Their hoomans sure miss ‘em sumfin’ pawful and wuld sure like a little sign dat they be okay and maybe even dat they be lookin’ out fur all of us. 

  And we hav so many more furiends this year than last cuz as you see weez joined da blogosphere too; and so many of ow furiends be sick and hurtin’. Now we know you not be God and can’t heal anypawdy, but maybe you kuld giv Him an ask. And maybe you kuld see ‘bout gettin’ their hoomans da gween papers to help make them better. And so many of ow furiends don’t hav very much so maybe you kuld slip a foo gween papers to their hoomans and a furesh new toy in their stockings just fur them. No matter what anypawdy sez, they’ve all been good this year. Weez weally wuld like all ow furiends to get everyfin’ they want and need.  

0shelter kitty bars

And now to da shelter and rescue kitties and anipals.  We know askin’ to find all of them luvvin’ furever homes is a big undertakin’, but weez still gunna ask. And ifin not a furever home then maybe foster homes. We just wish we lived in a world dat had no need of shelters or rescues. We just want them all to know da luv of a special hooman, da warmff of dat hoomans hand stwokin’ their furs and a luvvin’ soft voice callin’ their name. A soft bed to sleep in and a comfurtin’ lap to nap in. We wuld also like to ask dat yous bwing all those kitties and anipals their own new toy to take wiff them to their furever homes. And fur all those hoo can’t go to furever homes or foster homes fur Christmas, purrlease giv them a warm blanky to lie on and company so they not be alone. We awe so lucky to hav such a pawsum luvvin’ mommy and furever home, and we just want all da anipals to hav da same fing. And purrlease ask da shelters to quit killin’ da hellffy kitties and anipals and giv ‘em a chance to find their special hoomans. 

0ferals 0ferals1

  And now to da ferals, abandoned and furgotten by most. Kuld you purrlease look after them. Ifin you see any dat don’t hav a care taker kuld ya’ pick ‘em up and dwop ‘em wiff a good one. We know dat they don’t twust enuff to want to be petted , but we so want them to hav food in their bellies and a warm place to sleep and be safe and a sweet voice dat calls fur them so maybe sumday they can learn to twust enuff to weceive da hands on luv we hav. And kuld ya’ giv all those dat care fur da ferals a foo gween papers and sum of those pawsum heated sleepin’ quarters. Maybe sum blankys and of course sum noms. And kuld ya’ pass along ow fanks to them fur all da work they do? We sure wuld purreciate it.

Now on to us. Well ifin you look back over yous letter here you see dat we hav all we need. We hav a wunnewful luvvin’ mommy, a warm furever home and quite a bit of new stuffs. We awe down wight billionaires in luv and furiends and framly. Lexi and me boff hav full bellies and tweats too. We hav a warm, soft, dwy bed to sleep in and a comfurtin’ lap called mommy to nap on. We hav sum amazin’ toys and nip and even sum silvervine. (Which reminds me, ow furiend Nissy sure wuld like sum new nip.) Mommy sez wiff girls like us she kuldn’t magine wantin’ anyfin’ more. So me reckons we not need anyfin’ again this year Mr. Paws. Weez been so blest fwuout da year and mommy takes weally good care of us dat you can pass on by us this year. But ifin yous kuld pawssibly get to ow furiends and da homeless and ferals we sure wuld be gwateful. We sure don’t mean to sound gweedy, there’s just a lot of need out there, and we wuld very much like everypawdy, kitty and anipal to hav a Merry Christmas and everyday after. Fanks fur readin’ ow letter. 

 0dw 2014 DezinLexi xmas card

Your furiends,

Deztinee and Alexandra High