Blest Sunday: Dezi’s #RememberMeThursday

Meow-llo Dear Furiends. It’s Blest Sunday, our favorite day of the week. But, this past week also brought a day those in rescue and shelters call Remember Me Thursday. Now, we don’t normally post on Thrusdays anyways, so me won’t lie to ya’ and tell ya’, we missed it or are runnin’ late. But, all things considered, we would like to add today’s posty to the list of all the other Remember Me postys. The linky’s below.   


Dezi and Raena lay on cat tree with Blest Sunday banner


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Blest Sunday: Plans and Minutes, Minutes and Plans

MeOW-llo Blest Sunday, we’re so happy you’re here. C’mon Raena, it’s time fur Givin’ Thanks fur our Blessings this week.


Dezi and Raena lay on cat tree with Blest Sunday banner



Continue reading “Blest Sunday: Plans and Minutes, Minutes and Plans”

Feline Furiday Update

Meow-llo Furiends. It is Service Cat Furiday, however, with all the turmoil here over the past week, mommy said we wouldn’t be postin’ this week. We did wanna update everypawdy tho’. Fur those of you who only visit on Furidays, long story short, our air conditioner caught on fire on Monday. Since our ‘pawrtment is bein’ remodeled soon, the manager decided not to fix or replace our unit. Mommy insisted we be temporarily relocated immediately until such time as our ‘pawrtment is move in ready.


Dezi lays on hotel bed day 1




          And the fun began, huh sissy?    



Sure Raena, fun. Hmmmpht  We got the confurmation call Wednesday to move in to our temporary digs (An Ardmore Hotel) but were unable to leave our ‘pawrtmet cuz they had torn up the pawrkin’ lot and an 18 wheeler was blockin’ our car in. Mommy had planned to make a few trips that day to get us and everythin’ we needed to the hotel. Alas, since we didn’t get to leave till 6:00 pm, she only made one trip.  


Dezi plays with TrixieKat toy in hotel room-day 1




          Yeah sissy, I’s glad she didn’t try to do more. Mommy looked really bad by the time we furinally got checked in. What with all the heat and cement dust comin’ in the ‘pawrtment all day and the sound of a jackhammer still goin’ off in her head, she was barely standin’. Least the lady at the check in desk was really nice and helpful. Altho’, we did have to hold it till mommy could get to the store, cuz she furgot our litter. She ‘membered the box and a scoop, but no litter of any kind. I’s was so relieved when she got back, all I’s wanted to do was cuddle. After I’s used the facilities that is.  


Raena sits pretty in hotel room




Yeah Raena, you always have to be furst don’t ya’? Anyways, it was nice to be cool and not have to breathe in that stinky fire smell or the smell of concrete. Yesfurday mommy went back to our ‘pawrtment to get a few more things, includin’ the computer. Unfurtunately by the time she got back last night, she was too x’hausted to think. And that’s why there’s no Service Cat Furiday posty today. Mommy will have to go back to our ‘pawrtment this weekend fur a few more things, and then next Tuesday when the movers come to pack us up and put our things in storage. Hopefully, we’ll be back on schedule by the end of next week. Till then, we’re joinin’ Comedy Plus fur Feline Furiday


Till the next time…………………………………………………………………..Be Blest!!!  


Dezi: Vibrant Blue 

Raena: Navy Blue




Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses  


Deztinee and RaenaBelle

Chatting Cats: The Ranch Is Temporarily Relocating…Now

Hey Everypawdy!!! I’s have mews!!! We’re relocatin’ to our tempurrary digs today!!! Mommy insisted that we be allowed to go to the motel early. T’ween the heat, humidity, noise and concrete dust, mommy couldn’t breathe or think, and so reservations have been made to send us to the motel a week early. Mommy will still have to come back home next Tuesday when they pack up  our stuffs and move it to the storage room, but we’re outta here today.


Dezi and Raena packed up and ready to move



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