A Thankful Blest Sunday

Well here we are on another luvvly blest Sunday. You know it’s felt more like winter time this past week than spring; but dat’s made fur a lot of good snuggle days with mommy. Me did kinda fureak out a bit durin’ da storms, but mostly me just hung out with mommy. Me luvs her so much.

 Dezi sitting on mommy's lap

When me last left ya’ me was headin’ off to cat scouts fur our 4th Quest and we was havin’ some really severe storms at home. Our innernet modem kept flashin’ and knockin’ us off da catputer. Mommy shut it down and sed it was too dangerous to try to be online. Me was finally able to purrticipate in some of da quest tho’ so me didn’t let me’s patrol down too much. We’ll be hikin’ out today and wrappin’ up yet another quest. We have a new feature called chat dat allows us to do just dat in real time. Of course you all know da quests and events are virtual, but da furiendships are real as real can be.

Me borrowed this from Timmy Tomcat.

Anyways, dat’s enuff of a plug fur scouts. We’s still lookin’ fur me’s new sisfur and helper. Me sure hopes she gets here soon. Me can’t wait to share Dougie da Betta, and da duties with her. MOL Mommy sez me will have to share da cat trees and toys with her too. Hmmmmmm Me hadn’t thought ‘bout dat. Ya’ know what tho’? Me is so blest to have such a wunnerful luvvin’ mommy and so many pawsum uncles and awnties and furiends dat me will be happy to share it all with her.

 Dezi being coy on the Liberty cat tree

We’s wrappin’ up Buddy’s 30 day nom challenge this week and we’ll be tellin’ ya’ more ‘bout dat Wednesday. And guess what? Mr. W actually asked mommy to check on da cost of da noms cuz he likes how Buddy’s been doin’ on them. You’ll have to wait and see ifin he decided to order them. Paws crossed he does, right? 

 Dezi looking out the door from the Liberty cat tree

Me told you dat sis Lexi was back home but we hadn’t posted any fotos. Da urn wasn’t zactly what mommy had ‘spected and she just kuldn’t quite bring herself to take fotos. But last week me’s sweet furiend Cat and awnty Lisa sent us da mostest bootyful restin’ place ever. Sis Lexi had what mommy called her signature pose, and this urn looks just like dat. Yeah you know mommy had to have a big ole cry. But we are so grateful to have it. Mommy’s gunna keep her on hers desk so Lexi can always be close. Check it out below.

Emerald Cat urn for Lexi's ashes
Isn’t this just beautiful?

Lexi's signature pose

Well dat ‘bout wraps it up. As always we are blest. Take a minute everyday and give thanks fur da blessings in your life. As long as you are breathin’, you are blest! Mommy and me luv you all very much and send purrayers everyday thankin’ God fur each of you and askin’ Him to bless you and your families. And we wanna say thank you fur bein’ our furiends and family. Me almost furgot. Me’s joinin’ da Kitties Blue fur da Sunday Selfies. 

Till da next time…………………………………….Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses
