A Chilly Blest Sunday

Meow Welcome to a chilly Blest Sunday. There Raena was meowin’ on ‘bout how warm it was and what nice weather we were havin’ and it went and froze up yesfurday.


 Raena lays on the floor in the meatloaf position


          Hey sissy. Don’t blame that on me. You were meowin’ ‘bout the warm weather too.


 Dezi sits on scratcher


Me wasn’t blamin’ ya’ Raena, me was just makin’ an observation.


          Well, maybe next time your observations shouldn’t sound like accusations. Don’t you think I’s soundin’ smart usin’ all these big words?


 Dezi and Raena on the Liberty Cat Tree


Yeah, Sure Raena, whatever. Did you enjoy your play date with Simon the fluff tail


 Raena profile from the back of the chair

Mommy furgot to ask ifin we could borrow a foto, so go over to

Brian’s and check out that cutey Simon.


          (Raena blushes and coyly tucks her chin against her chest. She slow blinks and quietly meows)

          Yes, I’s did. You know he has a pawsum home over at Brian’s place, but like you, Brian and his sisfurs aren’t all that innerested in playin’ like us young’uns. And since Simon’s sisfur’s a little shy, she doesn’t wanna romp and stomp and zoomie thru the house either. That’s somethin’ peeps should remember when bringin’ a new kitty home. You know I’s sure that just like mommy, Simon’s pawrents put a lot of thought into these things too. When ya’ bring a kitten into a house with older kitties, the humans are gonna need to purrvide some extra playtime fur the young’uns, cuz the older kitties might not be able/want to keep up.



Dezi and Raena playing patty cake
You’ve all been waitin’ to see our furst game of patty cake foto. Sorry it’s not da bestest, but here it is.


You’re right Raena. Mommy’s really glad we have several of those automated toys cuz her arms tire out long befur you do. That reminds me ‘bout an email we got. As you all know, mommy has us microchipped even tho’ we’re basically inside only kitties. We highly recommend microchipping your pets. You just never know what might happen. Anyways, our chips are registered with a company called PetLink. It’s really convenient, and you can add pets any time, even ifin their chips originated from another company. You can update information easily online or by callin’ them. And right now they’re offerin’ a special off their normal price of $19.99. Use the code ADDPET and get 50% off. This ain’t a sponsored post and we’re not getting’ anythin’ fur meowin’ ‘bout this, we just think this is really purrtant. No matter where your pet is registered, purrlease keep the infurmation up to date.


 PetLink.net logo


          That’s pawsum advice sissy. There’s no point in microchipping your pet ifin you’re not gonna keep the infurmation up to date. You fur sure don’t wanna think ‘bout what could happen to your beluvved furry ifin they were to get lost and your contact infurmation was out of date and you couldn’t be found.


(Raena and Dezi shake their heads and shiver all over)


Oh Raena, me’s so glad mommy sets a reminder fur every 6 months to check our account and make sure all the numbers are good. She also regularly updates what foods we eat, our favorite treats, and our fotos. We are blest to have a mommy who luvs us so much.


 Dezi bathes in front of the fireplace with the nip nanner in reach

 Notice me’s Nip Nanner is right there. Me can have a quick

bath and then play.



          We sure are. And we’re also blest to have so many pawsum furiends. Mommy was just talkin’ to one last night, who called themselves our “reader”. We purreciate all our readers, but mommy reminded this purrson that they’re not just our reader, they’re also our furiend. Furiends are those who luv ya’ no matter. Just cuz ya’ ain’t met in the face to face or fur to fur doesn’t make you any less of a furiend. You know, we blab all right here in the open and several of ya’ meow and chat back and forth with us thru the comments and some via email. Either way, you get to know more ‘bout us and us ‘bout you. And isn’t that what furiends do?


 Dezi, lays on the back of the chair for a npa while the house is being cleaned.


It is Raena. And we are fur sure blest in that depawrtment. We’re just blest all ‘round. Fank you all fur bein’ a pawrt of our lives. We want to remind you all to take a minute today and everyday to give fanks fur the blessings in your lives. We’re joinin’ the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies even tho’ we don’t do a lot of selfies. It’s just a fun blog hop ya’ might wanna check out.

Raena enjoys a LumaSoothe treatment

 Check it out. Don’t you wonder what’s goin’ on?


Dezi enjoys a LumaSoothe treatment while laying in mommy's lap

We thought we’d use our selfies to give ya’ a little look at

somethin’ pawsum we’ve got comin’ up fur ya’ll. 


And we wanna remind everypawdy ‘bout mommy’s fundraiser here. Not much is happenin’ there, but we’re still tryin’ to raise the money. Mommy’s also written to a couple of shows and peeps that sometimes donate these types of services. We’ve not heard back from any of them yet, but we do have our paws crossed. And we got a pledge from an awnty Anonymous fur a thousand dollars ifin we could get the rest. In other words ifin we get all the money and only lack $1000.00, she’ll donate it to get mommy the work she needs. Yeah, you know mommy did a lot of cryin’ over that one. We are so fankful fur that offur. You can also donate directly to our Paypal account without any fees. Our paypal email address is: lexi.dezi@yahoo.com. We wanna say a meowsy big Fank You to Erin (check out the little Tuxie Pricess’s bloggy, she’s a real cutey) and awnty Julie fur their recent donations. Erin said, “Every little bit means a little bit less is needed.” She’s so right. So ifin you can help, we sure would purreciate it. We’d also purreciate shares and purrayers.


Anyways, we’re gonna get outta here now and see ‘bout playin’ some. Maybe Simon, can come back fur another play date with Raena. We hope the weather warms up again soon, but it is still winter so you never know. MOL  Here’s purrayin’ ya’ll have a pawsumly blest Sunday.


Till the next time…………………………………..Be Blest!!!


Dezi:Vibrant Blue  

Raena: Navy Blue



Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


Deztinee and RaenaBelle   

36 thoughts on “A Chilly Blest Sunday

  1. You have the most loving and thoughtfur Mommy evfur, gals! We are glad she updates or rechecks your info regularly…as fur ours?? Um…well, lets just say your Mommy is more diligent than ours,MOL!!

    Liked by 1 person

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