Blest Sunday: Better Late Than Never

Hey dearest furiends, how’re ya’ doing? It’s been a very hot wet week around here.





Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template


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Blest Sunday: Nobody Changed Your Name

Hey dearest furiends, how’s it been going? I’s telling ya’, it’s been exhausting around here. That Zebby seems to never run out of energy. Kittens!!! Zebby, where are you? (Raena pauses and looks around. She sees Zebby strolling through with a toy hanging from his mouth) Zebby, why didn’t you answer me?

Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template

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Blest Sunday: Memorial Day 2021

Hey dearest furiends, it’s soooooooo good to see ya’ll. I’s gotta tell ya’, I’s wan’t so sure we’d actually be here today. Why you ask? Well, as most of ya’ know, Thursday was mommy’s birthday. It’s not like she had big plans or anything; but, she does like to spend it just enjoying us and watching movies on the tube. Well, things were going purretty well fur the most pawrt. We were under a tornado watch, it was storming outside a bit and hurricane Zebby was raging inside, but it wasn’t really a big deal. Till that is about 8:30 that evening. Mommy was just about to fix her something fur dinner. It was a balmy 90° when suddenly the power went out. A bolt of lightning sparked past that penetrated our blackout curtains and what followed was pure horror.

Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template

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Blest Sunday: Scratchers And Trees And Toys, Oh My

Hey dearest furiends, it’s really good to see you. I’s gotta tell ya’, I’s wasn’t sure ifin the winds and storms were ever gonna let up. But alas, they have…at least fur the moment. Mommy says that’s just pawrt of living in the South and Tornado alley.

Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template

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