OMC 1 Day Left!!!

WooHoo it’s Furiday, and da day afur meez Meowday/Birffday!!! Meez waited all year fur this day to come back wound. And now it’s almost here. Meez been duin’ purractice zoomies. And sis Lexi has been laffin’ at me. She sed it wuz meez Meowday and me didn’t hav to put on a show, dat wuz mommys job. Me wuz posed to sit back and welax and let evewypawdy entertain me. Hmmmm Me had to fink on dat one a while. Meez not suwe me wants to do nuffin’. Well while me wuz finkin’ on this, guess hoo called and asked me out? Yous wight, Andy. Hims gunna take me on a virtual twip to New York fur meez special day. Dusn’t dat sound fun? Hims so sweet. Meez one lucky ladycat dat’s fur suwe. And then mommy’s gunna fwo me a pizza pawty, cuz awnty Cindy and Maggie Meme sent us dat pawsum gift cawd to da Pizza Hut. It’s gunna be a gweat Meowday fur suwe. And snce we celebwate all mumff long, me will get extwa tweats evewyday.

 0Dezi caroon

Anyways, Let me giv you ow take on events dat will unfold today. Lots of hoomans, and hear me, weez not sayin’ ALL, but lots go cwazy and dwess up and go door to door beggin’ fur candy. Can yous believ it? Lots of Peeps complain all da time ‘bout beggers and havin’ to pay taxes so udders can sit wound and draw welfare. Yet on this day evewy year peeps get all ‘cited and spend lots of gween papers on candies and udder items so they can answer their doors and dwop those same goodies into sacks and containers. Cwiminy, Why can’t they be mowe like dat evewyday. Maybe there wuld be lots less hungwy peeps in da world. Well dat bein’ sed purrlease member to be safe and keep all yous pets and hooman childwen safe. Sumtimes this big ole world is just not a nice place.

 Dezi my cat..... - 2HEoW-1b4 - normal

Since joinin’ social media and da blogosphere we hav met so many wunnewful peeps and we know yous all know what we be talkin’ ‘bout. And while dat’s pawsum it sumtimes makes yous furget dat not evewypawdy is like dat. So just member dat ifin yous goin’ to be one of those goin’ door to door or even ifin yous just stayin’ home and openin’ yous doors make suwe yous know where evewypawdy in yous pawty is at all times. Now me wil tell yous dat me won’t get a lot of visitin’ dun tomowwo cuz mommy has a new nurse dat be comin’ to visit and she sez there be lots of paperwork they hav to go fwu, so we will be wound as much as pawssible but might not be here as much as we wuld like. 

So, till da nex time…………Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 


Panfurs Rock!

Well it’s finally here, Black Cat Day! Weez been lookin’ furward to this evew since we found out ‘bout it. Weez hav so many gweat furiends dat be black cats. And yous know what? Here’s a little sumfin’ yous not know ‘bout meez mommy. Hers vewy first kitty evew wus a solid black cat. Meez mommy had been raised in a furmily dat had lots of animals fwu da years, but nevew had kitties. Da man of da house fawt we kitties wuz all worffless and didn’t like us. It made meez mommy sad, but what kuld hers do, she wuz just a kid. But when meez mommy got all grown up and moved into hers vewy first pawtment hers went down to da local animal shelter and sed, “I want a kitty.” Da animal contwol peeps took mommy to da back and there they had 1 little kitten dat wuz only a foo days old layin’ on a cold hard metal table. They had alweady killed it’s mommy and 5 littermates and it wuz nex. A man in a white coat wuz fillin’ up a syringe. Mommy panicked and sed, “I’ll take that one.”  Da shelter peeps told mommy dat it wuldn’t liv cuz it wuz too yung to be on it’s own. Mommy stood hers gwound and sed, “I don’t care what you think, I want that one.” They gave in and let mommy pick up da squirmin’ cwyin’ kitten and hold it close to hers heart. It immediately quit squirmin’ and stawted purrin’. It kuldn’t see or hear, but it seemed to know evewyfin’ wuz alwight now. Mommy didn’t unnewstand why they wuld kill a mommy and whole litter of kitties, so hers asked. They told her dat cuz all da kitties wuz black they wuldn’t get adopted. Mommy fawt dat wuz da most widiculous fing hers had evew heard. Unfurtunately hers later found out they wuz tellin’ da twuff. Ignowance and old wives tales still abound and peeps still buy into da myffs surroundin’ these bootyful kitties. 


Let me tell you a foo fings ‘bout black kitties dat not be myffs. Did yous know dat there awe 3 basic colors of kitties dat all udder colors awe a combination of? Those 3 colors awe Black, Red and White. Yous know what dat means? Almost evewy kitty in da world has a black gene sumwhere in their DNA. And in da purebred arena of da CFA, pure black kitties awe an accepted color pattern in 22 bweeds. 22……not 1 or 2, but 22. Isn’t dat amazin’? Melanism which is what black is called, (like albinoism is what we call lack of color) may also actually enhance their immune system. Makin’ them mowe wesistant to illnesses and genewally heallffier. Betcha didn’t know dat. Those awe just a foo little fun facts ‘bout black cats. But yous know what? A black cat bleeds red just like me. Black cats purr da same as me. Black cats luv and play and just want a luvvin’ furever home just like any udder cat. There’s nuffin’ any mowe lucky or unlucky ‘bout a black cat than any udder cat. Tuxedo cats awe so vewy pawpular, and c’mon peeps, they’re black cats wiff white mawkins. No offense to meez tuxie furiends. Yous know me luvs ya’. But ifin not fur da extwa gene they wuld be solid black. Here at meez house we just don’t unnewstand what da big deal is, cuz we luv all kitties wegardless of color.

This be Audrey, so of course we had to show hers.
This be Audrey, so of course we had to show hers.
This be Wanda. So purretty.
This be Wanda. So purretty.

Sum of you hav been followin’ us a long time and know dat da wescue mommy volunteered wiff when hers took in sis Lexi and hers littermates wanted to kill them cuz they wuz so black. And mommy put hers foot down yet again and sed NO. And sis Lexi’s blood bwofur wuz adopted weally fast by a weally rich furmily dat live in a five stowwy house and they luved hims so much they made mommy purroud. Lexi’s udder littermate died due to injuwies sustained duwin’ hers birff, but had she lived she wulda been adopted too. As fur sis Lexi, mommy sez hers can’t magine life wiffout hers and all da luv she has bwought fwu out da years. And me can tell you dat she’s da bestest sisfur a girly kuld evew ask fur.

Chunk be a cutey.
Chunk be a cutey.
Isn't Siver Spur purrretty?
Isn’t Siver Spur purrretty?


Oh Yous wanna know what happened to mommys first evew kitty don’tcha? She Lived. Mommy took hers home and handraised her to be a big bootyful panfur girly. Mommy sed she wuz da smawtest, sweetest kitty evew. Meez suwe she means till meetin’ me and Lexi tho’. And we looked all ovew fur da fotos of her, but alas there awe still sum fings mommy hasn’t found fwum wecent events. But weez do hav a foto of Ransom, da Ragamuffin’ dat occupied my spot on da bed afur meez comin’ to live here. And altho’ we awe advocates of not allowin’ black cat adoptions till nex mumff, da fotos abuv awe of adoptable black kitties dat can be found on ( Fank you all fur luvin kitties and fur givin’ black kitties a chance. And to all meez furry black furiends, Yous awe da bestest. (Dezi and Lexi both blow kisses)  Meez will ask yous to shawe meez posty on yous udder social media so these bootyful panffurs will get seen and help them find homes. Fank you.

This was baby Ransom when hims came to liv wiff mommy and sis Lexi.
This was baby Ransom when hims came to liv wiff mommy and sis Lexi.


Till da nex time……………………Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 

Dezi and Lexi

What The…

Meowllo evewypawdy, bet yous wunnewin’ what be goin’ on?  Well twuff is weez not suwe eevew, but Word Press seems to be messed up. So weez sendin’ this out to tell yous how to get to meez posty.  Yous don’t wanna miss it, there’s a gweat video and such cute fotos. 🙂  

Paw or Click da HOME button abuv this post and wight below it yous will find meez newest post. Fanks and weez hope to hav this fixed by tomowwo.              




It’s A Special Day Today

(Me wants to pawlogize fur all da emails yous got and da confusion. WordPress seems to be havin bwain farts and not workin’ so good when it comes to schedulin’ meez posty, and weez twyin’ to get this worked out.)

WooHoo It’s National Cat Day!!! Can yous believ it? A day totally devoted to kitties. Wait a minute, I fawt dat wuz evewyday. (Dezi turns from the computer and loudly meows) Mommy, hey mommy…

Mommy: Yes dear?

Dezi: Me fawt yous sed evewyday wuz all ‘bout me and Lexi. What’s up wiff this National Cat Day?

 0dw Dezi stretched out

Mommy: Yes honey, everyday here is all about you and your sister. But in 2005 a lady named Colleen Paige decided to make a day for everyone to celebrate the unconditional love and companionship they get from the cats in their lives. And the ASPCA also tries to encourage cat adoptions on this day. It’s a day to show the world how wonderful you kitties truly are. But, my dear we will always celebrate you and Lexi everyday here. Okay? (pats Dezi on the head and gives her a kiss)

 0dw Dezi in chair JG toys

Dezi: OH, okay mommy. Then it’s a good fing there’s a whole day fur evewypawdy to celebwate their kitties. Uh, duz dat mean extwa tweats fur Lexi and me today? (whispers) Yous know a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get those extwa tweats. Hey  Lexi, put on da mushy luv ya’ face and let’s get sum extwa tweats. And maybe weez can do sum playin’ wiff those new toys we got in da mail.

 0dw Lexi sittin catification

OMC Lots of da blogs hav an in wiff da cat daddy Jackson Galaxy. Weez not know how yous all did it, but anyways lots of ‘em, even sum of yous readin’ meez posty today. And anyways, all of ‘em wuz havin’ these givaways of dat new Catification book and sum Jackson Galaxy inspired toys. You know we entered evewyone of those contests and weez just kuldn’t catch a win. But we wusn’t deterred we just kept twyin’, and then…OMC ow wunnewful furiends ovew at Sometimes Cats Herd You sent us an email and sed………You Won! Yep, we had finally won. We wuz gettin’ sum of those pawsum toys and dat book. Hope mommy learns a lot and turns ow pawtment into Cat City Centwal, or better yet, meez vewy own Dezi’s World. Well as me sed da toys came in da mail and we fawt you might like to see a little video. Sis Lexi did mowe playin’ than me in this video, but it always makes mommy happy to see hers old girl havin’ a good time, so me let Lexi hav fun. After all meez Meowday is comin’ up and meez gunna be gettin’ all kinds of special attention, so what’s one play session. Weez also wuz havin’ a little twubble wiff da camewa and da memowy cawd so da video has a foo glitches, but we hope you enjoy it. And giv yous kitties sum extwa tweats and hugs and kisses and luv today and evewyday. And member tomowwo be National BLack Cat Day.

By da way, mommy wants me to tell yous dat hers not finished cleanin’ and puttin’ evewyfin’ away, so purrlease ignore da messy house. Fank you.

 Ifin yous can’t see da video, purrlease paw here.

Till da nex time…………………Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 

Dezi and Lexi