To Stroll Or Not To Stroll

Well it’s finally Furiday and da sun is shinin’. You know all last week it was like winter had returned so me was really happy to see mr. Sunshine this week. Me had been hangin’ in da stroller hopin’ mommy would take me out. And she had purromissed dat when it got warmer out we would indeed go fur a stroll. She sed she would take me up to see Buddy while we were at it, so me watched and waited fur warmer weather to arrive. Da storms finally over, gave way to to da windy days of spring in da South. So on Tuesday after we got up and ’round, mommy told me she had to get some fotos of Buddy fur his wrap up review and we would go fur a stroll afterwards. Dat all sounded pawsum, so me settled on da cat tree to take a little bath afur goin’ visitin’. You know, a girlys’ gotta look her bestest right? Right.

Dezi yawning, Are we ever going for a stroll?

Mommy cleaned up da kitchen and put on some strollin’ clothes and gathered da camera and then me. Well dat’s where things went sideways. Mommy carried me over to da stroller and me went nuts. Yep, dat’s right, me got all scared and just plain freaked out. Now let me say dat me may not unnerstand exactly what’s goin’ on and where sis Lexi is, but me knows one thing fur sure, She Ain’t Here!!! Mommy gathered her up in her arms and they walked out da door and she ain’t never come back home, least not da way me knew her. Since she left, mommy and me have stayed home and not really gone anywhere, so this was da furst time since sissy left me dat me was gonna be goin’ out, and me just wasn’t sure me really wanted to do dat. You know, was mommy gonna be leavin’ me where ever she left sis Lexi? Was she gonna take me away to never return home again? Me didn’t have da answers, but me wasn’t havin’ any of dat; so me just got so scared dat me piddled a little. Yep, me knows it’s embarrassin’ but me sure did it.

Dezi licks paw, A girl's gotta look her best at all times

Mommy didn’t react like me had ‘spected, but she did react. Mommy started bawlin’ and held me even closer. And she started cooin’ ’bout how much she loved me and such, but all me could see was da open stroller awaitin’ me’s depawsit.

Sweetheart, I would never take you away. You know I love and adore you and never want to be without you. 

Yeah mommy me knows and you say dat all da time; but you said it to sis Lexi too and….She Ain’t Here anymore!!! 

Oh baby, you know I didn’t want Lexi to leave us. I would have done anything to keep her here, but sometimes there’s just nothing more we can do. God needed sissy more than we do, and we just have to accept that. You know your sissy was sick and in pain and we didn’t want that for her. So even though we have the sads, Lexi is in a much better place now. She’s no longer sick or hurting and she’ll always be with us, because we’ll never ever forget her. 

Dezi: This better be a short stroll. Mommy has to take me back home.
See how me’s hunkered down and scared?

Virtual bloggin’ me unnerstands dat mommy, but real me, da one da lives in our house doesn’t get it at all. Anyways, mommy has this sayin’ ’bout gettin’ back up on da horse, so after a good ole cry fest she placed me in da stroller and cleaned up da piddle from da floor and changed clothes. Okay, maybe it was more than a piddle…Me was scared. Not sure where da horse comes into play here, but mommy likes her sayings so we’ll just go with it.

Dezi and Buddy: The nerve. He just hissed at me
Don’t you be hissin’ at me Buddy. See ifin me shares anymore treats with you. Ha!!!

So, in da stroller me laid down and didn’t make a peep, chirp or mew. Out da door we went. Da wind was stronger than mommy ‘spected, but we headed up to check on Buddy anyways. On da way up me heard lots of birdy’s chirpin’ and lots of them flew right in front of da stroller. Me eased up a bit and actually stood up to get a better view of all those birdys. Sorry Tabbies, me likes good bird teevee. We arrived at Buddys’ ‘pawrtment and he was standin’ at da door as ifin he was waitin’ fur us. Once inside, Buddy purrceeded to hiss at me. Can you believe dat? Me? Da kitty respawnsible fur gettin’ him some good noms. Da kitty dat made hims daddy want a kitty in da furst place. Little ole Southern Belle me. Well, bein’ da Southern ladycat dat me is, me turned and showed him me’s backside. Yep, to borrow one of mommy’s sayings, he can kiss me’s lily white. MOL   A few fotos later and we was off.



Dezi: Those birds sure are close to my stroller
You can’t see ’em, but there’s a lot of birds me’s watchin’. Even a few “crows” gossiping at da office. MOL

By now all dat fear me had was gone and me was enjoyin’ me’s time with mommy. Seems every step she took caused da birds to flush and fly right in front of me. We went over so mommy could sit down on one of da benches and me could have a good view of da birds and squirrels. We didn’t stay out too long as da wind was really blowin’ and altho’ da sun was out it was still a little cooler than we like. You know, mommy’s over purrtective and didn’t want either of us to ketch a cold. Once we got back in da house, me strutted ’round like a peacock. Me was so happy dat me had courage was home again. Mommy said it was really purrtant dat me be okay leavin’ da house again, so we’s been out fur a little stroll every day since then. And me’s enjoyed every one of them. Dat’s right, no more piddle puddles. We even went to her doctors ‘pointment yesfurday, and me was so happy to see all me’s furiends again. But it has been windy here lately, so me has to do some major groomin’ when we get back home. Ya’ know a girlys’ always gotta look her bestest. Me’s joinin’ Rascal and Rocco fur da Pet Parade as me does every week.

Dezi bathes, With all this fur it's hard to reach everywhere
Kittens!!! It was windy. Me’s gotta get me’s furs groomed back down.

How do you get over your fears?

Do you jump right back into a situation that scared you?

Till da next time…………………………………………Be Blest!!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


43 thoughts on “To Stroll Or Not To Stroll

  1. No strollers or carriers for me, no no. I am too afraid that I will be brought back to the animal shelter. The Vet has to come to MY place.
    You are a brave kitty, and I’m glad that you enjoy your strolls 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are so glad you got brave and went for a good stroll, and even enjoyed it. Imagine f you had stayed home all the bird TV would have gone by unobserved, MOL!

    We like that you are going out a little each day, that does help to make you feel less scared, that its OK to get in the stroller cause you are coming back each time.

    MOL, that Buddy hissed you, cheek dude isn’t he…but then you were on his domain:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dezi, you are my hero!! You overcome your fears even if you don’t understand things!! I always go and hide under the bed, for hours sometimes, especially if there are fireworks and thunder and stuff!! I know you must be missing Lexi, terribly!! You and your momma are doing great!! Hugs and pawpats xoxoxox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fank you Austin. Me’s glad me could overcome me’s fear cuz me does luv to go out with mommy. But like you me doesn’t like storms or fireworks. May be will get braver when me’s new sisfur and helper comes, we’ll see.

      Luv ya’



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