Three Little Words: I Luv You

Well it’s finally Furiday and da end of anuvver week. Mommy and me and Lexi sat wound last night talkin’ ‘bout what to write fur today. We debated so long we all finally fell asleep wight in fwunt of da puter. MOL Weez been readin’ sum disturbin’ Facebook posts and emails so mommy wanted to write an educational posty. Well sis Lexi and me was given da Quote challenge by awnty Ellen and da kitties of 15 and meowing and we wanted to do dat. So we sat and purrsented our awrguments till we all fell asleep. So now weez playin’ ketch up and writin’ meez posty this meownin’.

Pull up a chair and let me tell ya' a stowry.
Pull up a chair and let me tell ya’ a stowry.

Weez been kinda busy this week and hadn’t made it by Facebook not even once till last night. While we was there visitin’ our furiends and ketchin’ up we was just a little overwhelmed wiff da luv we felt fur all our pawsum furiends. Sum of you awe on Facebook only, and sum of you awe bloggers only. Sum of you we know fwum all over da innewnet. But one fing remains da same, and dat’s how much we twuly luv you all. Now let me tell ya’, dat has been a topic of discussion wound here a lot. Cuz what is Luv? And you know da old sayin’, don’t just say it, show it. Well how do yous show it to sumone yous never see, or have never even met? And then you come back to, How can you luv sumpawdy yous not know? So we asked mommy, “just how do we know dat we luv our furiends?” And mommy replied……

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Oh my sweet beautiful girls, you ARE Love made flesh.


In this day of technology when you connect with

others across the land,

You friend and follow far and wide those who have

in common, things you understand.

You post, chat, message and email sharing bits and

pieces of your life,

And before you know it you find yourself enveloped

by feelings deep inside.

You find yourself crying, when tragedy befalls a friend.

And laughing in joys and feeling proud when goals

are attained.

Is that not what friends and family are? This relationship

across the miles

Isn’t that what love is? A feeling not easily explained.


Love can’t be defined in mere words, It’s far more

complicated than that.

It lives all around us, in the air that we breathe. It’s in the

beauty of the smallest things.


If you’re wondering what love is, It’s that flutter inside

that makes you smile.

It’s longing for and missing that one across the miles,

It’s being there for others through good times and trials.


Sometimes an uplifting word, and sometimes a listening ear.

Love knows no boundaries, Love knows no fear.

True love is everlasting, no beginning and no end.

True love is blind and deaf and dumb,

when given away to family and friends.”

Audra High 10/2/2015


Well we fink dat sums it up purretty good. Altho’ showin’ luv is purrtant fur sure, sayin’ da words shuld also be sumfin’ you member to do. Each and everyday, mommy tells us how much she luvs us least a million times. Oh don’t worry she fur sure shows us luv too, but da words weally make us purr. We fink it’s weally purrtant fur you to say it and show each day. Yous never know what da future holds. And you never wanna regwet a fing when it comes to those you love. So ifin yous haven’t dun it today, take a minute to say I Luv You and give a hug. It really only takes a minute, but it just might be zactly what was needed by da one you luv. Weez wanna say to all of you dat we luv you very much. And as we do every weekend, weez joinin’ Rascal and Rocco fur da Pet Parade Blog Hop.

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Till da next time…………………………..Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses

Dezi and Lexi