Blest Sunday Thanksgivning

OMC Can you believe dat Fanksgivin’ is just 4 days away? Me eever. We hav so much to be fankful fur this year me dusn’t even know where to stawt. Me will stawt wiff meez Gotchaday which wuz yesfurday. Weez didn’t make a big deal of it cuz we celebwate Meow/Birffdays all mumff at ow house and meez Meowday wuz on da 1st and it wuz stormin’ like cwazy here yesfurday. OMC da sky kep lightin’ up and da funder boomers kep boomin’ and da tears fwum heaven kep fallin’. Weez never knew those angels kuld cwy so much. But they must not hav won not one game. Fur those of yous hoo not know what meez talkin’ ‘bout, me will giv you a little refwesher. See mommy splains da storms to us as God and da angels bowlin’, in an attempt to help us not be fwaid. Da funder is da ball rollin’ down da lane. Da lightnin’ is a stwike, and da rain? Da rain is da angels tears when they lose.

Anyways, meez gettin’ a little sidetwacked. Me wanted to tell you dat ifin yous unnewstand dat mommy only bwings a new kitty into da house when anudder passes away, then you will unnewstand dat da holidays be a little bittersweet fur mommy and sis Lexi. They hav experienced so much loss wound da holidays, but they’ve also experienced lots of joy. They say dat me bwought a fwesh ray of sunshine into their lives when me came to liv wiff them 5 years ago. Me hopes so, cuz they sure gave me life. And a wunnewful one at dat. Me gets so much luv. Mommy tells me all da time dat meez her special angel. But you know what? Her wuld never hav to say a word and me wuld still know it. Mommy sez it to Lexi too, but more than dat hers shows us each and every day how special we awe. We awe so blest to hav such a pawsum mommy.

 0dw Dezi Balloon

Lexi: We shur arr Dezi. And owr wunderfull furiendz. Der beez soz many weez kuldn’t eeben naym ‘em awl. But youz awl noze hoo youz arr. And OMC jiz da udder day one of doze pawsum furiendz sendid us a “box.” Akshulee it wuz 4 boxez. Weez kuldn’t bulleev it. 

 0dw Lexi Neon glow

Dezi: Yeah Lexi mommy kuldn’t believ it so much so hers kep tellin’ us to leav da boxes alone till hers found out whether there wuz a mistake or not. See awnty Ann told us to be spectin’ a Chewy box, so when da UPS man came we saw all those boxes and just figgered one of ow neighbors had learned ‘bout Chewy too. But NOPE, hims bwought all 4 boxes into ow house. And they all had ow names on ‘em, so mommy opened ‘em up, and there she found 2 big ole bags of ow favowit litter, SwheatScoop. Dat wuz a whole 50 pounds of wheat. Yippeeeeee But dat wusn’t all. There wuz 4, count ‘em 4 cases of da wet noms and 2 bags of da little shwimpy tweats too. OMC Wuz all dat fur us? Mommy had da leaky eyes fur hours and fawt there musta been a mistake and we shuld return sum of this. So hers told us to stay away fwum da boxes till hers found out what we needed to send back. Well after talkin’ wiff awnty Ann mommy learned dat there wusn’t a mistake at all. Dat she meant fur us to hav all dat. Yep yous guessed it, da dam bwoke in mommys eyes again. Since awnty Ann just retired fwum hers job and didn’t know when she might be able to send us anyfin’ els, she wanted us to hav a big shipment of goodies. Weez weally wanna Fank You bunches and bunches awnty Ann. Dat wuz so pawsum of yous to do this fur us. We hav been so blest by you dat weez can’t even begin to splain what dat meant to us.   

We hav 1 more material blessing we wanna tell you all ‘bout today. Weez never had any of those I purroducts. Yous know da Apple stuff? But mommy’’s heard gweat fings ‘bout da company and of course like pawently evewypawdy els hers had always wanted one. But they be way outta ow purrice range, so it wuz just wishful finking. Altho’ fur years mommy has entered contests, drawings, you name it ifin they wuz givin’ away an apple anyfin’ mommy wuz enterin’. but alas, she never won. well it’s dat time of year when da folks wound here stawt havin’ there holiday giv aways, and sure nuff, there were sevewal dat wuz givin’ away those iPads. Yep, mommy wuz signin’ up alwight. And as many times as hers kuld too. Guess what? SHE WON!!! Mommy won an iPad Air. Don’t ask us why it’s called an air or what’s diffewent ‘bout it than da wegular iPads, but it seems purretty cool. Looks like now, mommy has no excuse fur not bein’ a little more activ wiff ow instagram account. MOL  Cept she duz keep sayin’ sumfin’ ‘bout da typin’ ain’t easy. It has this keyboard on da scween, and mommy’s a two handed typer, so she sez she’s all fumms. Hmmpht We can’t get any fumms and dat’s all mommy has. Just don’t seem wight. Not wight at all. Anyways, mommy’s gunna be playin’ wound and twyin’ to learn how to use this new toy of ows. 

So don’t yous agwee dat we be blest? Ow biggest blessin’ udder than each udder is you. We luv all ow furiends so much. Sumtimes you hoomans just don’t hav words enuff to expwess sumfin’, so we kitties say: Purrrrrrrrrrrr and many many purrayers.

Yesfurday we lost a pawsum furiend. Sweet Nylablue went to heaven after hers long battle wiff illnesses dat ravaged her little body. Nylablue we will miss you, but we know you awe no longer in pain and hav been restored to yous former selff. Altho’ we fawt you wuz pawsumly gawjus everyday wight up fwu da end. Don’t you worry weez’ll be lookin’ out fur Miss Sherri-Ellen. Weez sendin’ lots and lots of purrayers and hugs. Ifin you haven’ alweady, pop on over and read her touchin’ goodbye to everyone. She wuz a very special kitty girl, and so is hers mommy. And ifin yous wunnewin’ what loss has to do in a Blest Sunday posty then let me tell you. First, death is just anudder pawt of life. But those hoo leav us awe offen fur da first time in a long time, no longer sick or in pain. Isn’t dat a blessin’? Altho’ we might not fink so now, soon we all come to da realization dat while they awe no longer wiff us in da flesh/fur, they will liv furever in ow hearts.  

 Nylablue in GOD'S GARDEN - 2HEoW-1cQ - normal

Till da nex time……………………Be Blest!!!


Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 

Dezi and Lexi

61 thoughts on “Blest Sunday Thanksgivning

  1. I am hoping Greyboy is all right too. But the last time I saw him he looked sickly & his fur was all matted 😦
    Poor Greyboy…I so wanted to rescue him off the streets but it was not meant to be.
    At least Braveheart is safe…
    Now there are no ferals or visitors at all…very quiet…
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0x0


  2. I agree Dezi that the kitty for me will arrive when he or she is meant to…I have faith.
    As for the ‘boys’ outside Hercule Purr-o was found dead & Greyboy is missing for 3 months now & Braveheart is being kept inside (as he did actually have a home & I believe his owners were fined for letting him out.)
    I will let the Universe lead me to the next kitty love…
    Much love Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Miss Sherri Ellen, wee so sorry to hear ’bout Hercule. We had so hoped hims wuld be okay. But we awe glad Braveheart is bein’ kept inside. We just hate it when a kitty wiff a home goes outside. There’s just so many dangers out there. Weez sure hope Greyboy is sumwhere okay. Sendin’ hugs and kisses.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


  3. 😉 Thank you Dezi for such a lovely comment! It is true I have lots of love to give & I asked Nylablue when she met up with Mingflower for them to lead me to my next kitty when the time is right!
    Being ‘catless’ would finish me off for sure…
    Love you sweet girl & Lexi too.
    Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Weez just know yous kitty be out there lookin’ fur ya’. They just haven’t decided whether yous weady yet or not. And hoo knows it might even be one of da tommyboys yous alweady feedin’ outside. They might actually wanna come in. Just sayin’. Weez not know hoo it be but awe sure it’ll be sumkitty in need of lots of luvvin;.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


  4. Bless you sweet darling sof r such a lovely tribute for Nylablue & the lovely poem & photo. I am collecting them to put on my sidebar. As much as I am devastated Nylalbue had to leave us I agree she fought the ‘good fight’ & rallied so much she just wore out. She is running free in Summerland with so many friends & I will telll you I hear her at nite snoring ever so quietly….
    Today I stayed home & did alot of cleaning. No tears; just sad 😉
    One day she, Mingflower & I will be reunited again.
    Thanks you again for the support.
    Love Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fank you, we do miss hers very much. Weez awe sorry fur yous sads, but glad dat yous be okay. Weez awe here fur yous anytime yous need us. Fur a talk a purr a cwy or laff. And yes, sumday yous will all be togedder again, and yous might hav anudder special furiend dat will join yous all there too. Yous never know. God and Nylablue and Mingflower know yous hav too much luv to giv to be alone fur too long.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


  5. Wow, so much to be thankful for!! and concCATS on winning an iPad Air! That is totally pawesome! We are hosting a #ShareGratitude blog hop right now, just in case you all want to link this post up. It’s on our blog today and runs until the 30th. But anyway, you kitties are so blessed and so is your mommy. And we are blessed to have you as furiends! We are sending lots and lots of love to you girls!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You all have indeed been blessed by having your Aunty Ann to help you out and by winning that iPad. We knew you had been wanting one. Thanks for the nice tribute for Nylablue. She was so special to us. We really like the poem as well. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we hav been. And yep, mommy’s entered all kinds of fings fwu da years twyin’ to win anyfin’ apple. MOL Weez so happy it finally happened. Bet she’ll still sign up fur da contests when she sees ’em tho’. Just outta habit, she’s been duin’ it so long. MOL

      Nylablue wuz very special to us as well and will be missed.

      Luv ya’

      Dezi and Lexi


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