What’s In That Ham Baby Food

Hey y’all Lexi here again today. I really purreciate all your support an purrayers. This is the last of my Vet day posts. For the last three days we’ve been covering my latest appointment. We posted the link to my lab work Thursday and told ‘bout what happened at da VET; and yesfurday we told ‘bout what mommy and me did after we left da VET. We’ve been asked a lot of questions about just what is my diagnosis and what are we doin’ about it. So today we’re gonna cover all that. You’ve probably noticed the human speak, well we wanna make sure everyone can understand what we tell ya’ ‘bout my medicines and condition. So first, I do have kidney disease. My thyroid is okay and there’s no sugar in my urine, and the numbers from my tests confirm kidney disease. Although based on my latest lab work their does seem to be a small question as to whether it’s chronic or acute. What’s the difference you ask? There’s a few, but the most important difference is that acute can be cured and chronic can only be managed. 

 0dw Lexi getting luv

Now as most of you know the day doc diagnosed me he sold us a neutraceutical called Azodyl. It was expensive and mommy worried that she wouldn’t be able to afford it for long. Fanks to our wonderful furiends and awnties we were able to buy it for a few months. And then the day came that mommy had feared. We were out and she had no money to buy anymore. Of course as soon as we had gotten the news mommy started researching everything she could find and joined a very knowledgeable support group. During mommy’s research she had read about Astro’s products. So she contacted the creator, an M.D. and asked all kinds of questions. Still a little leary she staerted talking to the support group about them, and when we couldn’t afford my Azodyl mommy decided it was better to treat me with something than nothing. So she ordered the Astro’s Protein Powder because I lost so much weight, and Atro’s Nitrogen-Creatinine Scrub which takes the place of Azodyl. By this time some of our furiends had sent green papers and mommy could afford to buy them. As I said yesfurday most CRF diets are low in protein and phosphorous. And that’s great if you’re a doggy who could survive as a vegetarian. But when you’re a kitty what be an obligate carnivore, low protein isn’t the best idea. But as with most feline medicine the treatments for cats are based on those for dogs.

This be da protein powder and da scrub.

As cats, we need the protein to stay healthy and maintain muscle mass and weight. And since CKD can cause us to lose weight we sure don’t need to cut back on anything positive. Recent studies have proved CKD kitties do better on a high quality protein and low phosphorous diet. But proteins make our liver work harder and that’s harder on our kidneys. So it’s almost a lose lose. But in comes the Astro’s Protein Powder. It’s designed to help animals gain and maintain lean muscle mass and promote cellular regeneration. It’s a white fish derived, amino acid concentrate that’s pre-digested so that it’s easily absorbed by the gut. Because it’s concentrated and high quality very little waste product is created, therefore the kidneys have less toxins to filter out. In other words, it’s easier on the kidneys. That’s great news for CKD and many other ailments as well. Although this product was created with CRF in mind, it can be given to any animal who needs to gain weight and/or maintain muscle mass. It costs $32.95 for a 120gm jar. Or a little over $10.00 a month because 1 jar lasts about 3 months.


Now to talk about the replacement product for the Azodyl, the Astro’s Nitrogen Creatinine Scrub. It’s designed to use the digestive tract to trap and excrete metabolic toxins, transforming it into a rudimentary third kidney. And unlike the Azodyl, it doesn’’t have to be refrigerated and can be given in food. Or in my case the tablespoon of ham baby food I get each meal. It can be made even more effective by adding it to yogurt, but it’s not necessary. And it costs $22.95 for a 120gm jar (ie: about 2-3 months supply). Mommy prayed it would work because $23.00 for 2-3 months as opposed to $80.00 a month is a huge difference. And we know you all get tired of helping us and we hate to be a burden on anyone. But purrhaps helping with a smaller amount might be less burdensome. 


Now I’m also taking Renavast. That was something that mommy had come across in her research but was also told about by Brian and Cheri. It’s more amino acids and peptides, just different ones, and helps too maintain normal kidney function in CRF cats and dogs. All of these products by the way have no reported side effects as they are all natural and can be used for both cats and dogs. Consult your VET if you’re a bunny, piggy, etc. I’m also taking vitamin B-12 supplements for overall health. And the Regeneril that Truffles and Ms. Melissa shared with me. It’s purpose is to increase appetite and energy and help with joint pain. The Renavast is $27.00 for a 30 day supply, the B-12 is $10.00 for about a 6 month supply and I’m taking Organic Slippery Elm Bark at $8.00 for about a 6 month supply for the upset tummies and acid reduction. Mommy also ordered for $20.00 some D-mannose to give to me and even Dezi in the event of a urinary tract infection caused by e-coli. Again since this is all natural it can be given to any animal even as a preventative. What all this means as far as money goes is that for less than the price of the Azodyl we can buy all the medicines I need. Because even if I was still taking the Azodyl, I would still need everything other than the Astro’s Scrub.

As always if you have any questions please ask and if we can answer them we will. As for those of you who think our VETs are cheaper, they most probably are cheaper than what you’re paying, but remember, wages are less here too, so for us; especially mommy who be on Social Security, our VETs charge a lot. Our $200.00 bill is like your $2000.00 bill. Altho’ we just don’t understand why it is that VETs think they need to charge so much. If you missed my lab work, can read it and would like to see it, you can click here.

 Dezi sparkle

And till the next time……………………………….Be Blest!!!


Lubz and Hugz and Kitty Kissez  

Lexi and Dezi
