We’ll Be Purrayin’

Meowllo everypawdy weez comin’ to ya’ fwum a flooded Oklahoma. MOL Well nuffin’ worked yesfurday so we never got meez posty out. And let me tell you da night afur…it sounded like da stowm was in da house. Even mommy and sissy was a little fwaid. It had been funderin’ sumfin’ pawful when we finally got a little bweak. Or so we fawt. Mommy had turned da teevee up weally loud hopin’ to drown out da sound of da funder so me kuld come outta hidin’ and eat, and she had gone to da kitchen to wash dishes. She had da water on full blast and da gawbage disposal runnin’ and suddenly she heard a bangin’ and it seemed like da whole house was bein’ shook. Mommy yelled fwum da kitchen weally loud so hers kuld be heard over all da extwa noises, “Just a minute.” See da bangin’ was so loud she fawt sumpawdy was knockin’ on da door. 

dw Dezi lays head off top1

So she turned da gawbage disposal and water off and stawted to dwy hers hands when da bangin’ and quakin’ house stawted again. And OMC she learned there wasn’t anypawdy at da door, dat was FUNDER!!! But just in case she went on over to da door and opened it up just in time fur a flash of lightnin’ to light up hers face. It was comin’ wight at her. So she hurriedly closed da door and looked wound fur Lexi and me. We was there, wight behind her, but we was boff weady to run. MOL So wiff all dat goin’ on mommy told me we wuld write meez posty da next mownin’ (yesfurday). And then meownin’ came and mommy kuld barely get wound.

dw Dezi treetop00fr

But she purromised we wuld get me a posty written. After all we had a pawrt 2 to finish up. But there seemed no end in sight to all da funderin’ and lightnin’ and rain. But mommy purromissed and ifin you can get mommy to say “I purromise,” then you can bet it’ll happen lessen God or an act of God purrvents it. So mommy turned on da puter and we stawrted writin’. We don’t have to be connected to write meez posties, fank catness or we kuldn’t have got it dun. But while we was writin’ da stowrms reared their ugly head again. Da power started flickerin’ and so mommy pawlogized and shut it down. Me unnewstood, after all me wanted to hide stead of write and visit. MOL So, we will be postin’ pawrt 2 later but today we have a request posty we wanna write.

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See there’s lots of kitties and udder anipals in da blogosphere dat be sick. So many dat me kuldn’t even begin to list ‘em all. So me won’t attempt too. But me will ask dat you purray fur all yous furiends. We recently lost a furiend dat we didn’t even know was sick, so sumtimes yous never know sumpawdy needs da purrayers. But ifin yous keep ‘em in yous purrayers every day it won’t matter. They’ll be covered. Now last night me got a email fwum meez handsum mancat Andy. Hims furmily is weally havin’ a ruff time wight now. Hims sisfur Cali had been actin’ a little diffewent; like she was in pain. Usin’ da floor stead of da pawdee box. So off to da VET they went. It scared Andy so much dat hims was hidin’ out UTB (unner da bed). See us kitties still have a little of da wild in us and when one of us is sick, we twy to distance ourselves fwum them. We may be purredators but we can also become purrey, and sick means weak to a kitty. Mommy sez she’s seen this happen way too many times. And of course in a house wiff more than 1 kitty when 1 goes sumwhere (specially da VET) and comes home, they don’t smell like us anymore and it sumtimes scares us. So Andy wanted no pawrt of hims sisfur yesfurday. But we also know dat da sick kitty only wants to be wiff his/her furmily and be luvved.  

Meez handsum Andy
Meez handsum Andy

So anyways, to da VET Cali went. A few tests later and da bad news came. She has bone cancer in hers leg. On a hooman it wuld be da calf area, but weez kitties not have calves, so it’s just hers leg. Now Cali’s no yung kitty (12 years) so there be complications and only a few options fur tweatment. Da VET sent them home wiff 2 weeks worff of steroids to twy and ease hers pain. And told there’s 3 options fur tweatment. Da furst bein’ surgery to amputate da offendin’ limb. Again, she’s not a yung healffy kitty so this option kuld be very risky. Lots of tests wuld need to be purrfurmed to make sure she’s even a candidate fur goin’ unner da knife. Da second option is to twy and make hers comfy till da cancer eats her up and she goes to heaven. And da furd is to help her go on to heaven now. We don’t fink those awe very good choices, but dat’s what there is. So, ifin yous all wuldn’t mind sendin’ up a few extwa purrayers fur sweet Cali and Andy’s furmily we wuld purreciate it and we fur sure know they wuld too. Meez Andy not have a bloggy, but hims duz read mine. So ifin yous inclined to leave a good word or fawt, meez certain hims will see it and da furmily will be comfurted. 

 0dw Dezi dear God

Till da next time…………………………..Be Blest!!!



Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses  


Dezi and Lexi